The Shredder

You have to admit it'd be a lot better if they had actual actors (and Jackie Earle Haley) instead of people that looked exactly like the characters in the comic but couldn't act their way out of a paper bag.

For me it's so egregious it kind of removes me from the show and makes it obvious he's acting. I really wish they went for the good actor and not just a look-alike of the comic (same mistake Watchmen made, among others). Ever line seems to exude a leader-li-ness like you mentioned, and he always seems on the verge of

I know for zombie fiction (or really any genre fiction) I'm supposed to suspend my disbelief, but that seen was so off I couldn't. Where did all those zombies go that were trying to break in? Was it an implication that Merle was merely having a fever dream?

I really don't think they're doing that storyline. They'd have to set up the whole argument that sets the series in motion, on whether or not to leave the camp, by now and they pretty clearly aren't any time soon.

I feel like they should have set that up by now. Like I said above, they're barely setting up any of the survivors and are already introducing new characters next week. SLOW DOWN.

That makes a lot more sense. It's a shame though.

He'd be dead either way. There's no way off that roof without jumping and the blood loss from sawing his own arm off should be enough to knock him out, cocaine or no.

Merle Dixon is no Rasputin.

Agreed. Every week Andrew Lincoln is probably the most obvious culprit. Every line makes it painfully obvious he's acting and every line is read to Exude The Utmost Importance.

but honestly, just because it's a genre series doesn't mean I can't ask for a small bit of realism when it comes to how people die. There's just no way anyone could survive sawing their arm off AND jumping from a fairly high building into zombies, no matter how coked up/racist you were.

I would really like this show better if it was a workplace drama set in a government think tank HINT HINT AMC.

I seem to be the reverse of everyone else. (Minor Spoilers)
I actually enjoyed Guts and thought this was godawful. Or, if not godawful, at least a marked decline from the pilot.

I think it's still too soon to say if Walking Dead is the top non-c0medy.

I think I've watched more of the new show than I have of him on the Tonight Show.
I've always loved Conan but my schedule never really afforded me the ability to stay up and watch that often. Now I can, and it's amazing.

Oh I meant she deletes Parenthood off the DVR before I get to watch it. ( I realize this is super late and you probably won't read it.) I've yet to miss an episode of Terriers.

Could you guys shit on Scott Pilgrim any more?
Maybe I'm being a little unnecessarily touchy but if you're basically just going to say "the movie stucks but it's shiny" don't bother. It's a lot better than you give it credit for and in the AV Talk for it you basically said none of you were in the demographic for it so

not sure if this counts
but the sole League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen graphic novel (as in, not a collected trade paperback) BLACK DOSSIER more or less fits this trope.

I haven't seen Rose Red, or read much Stephen King, but I'm fairly certain "rocks falling on someone's house" is a direct rip-off from THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE, which is sort of the inspiration for Rose Red/I'm fairly certain King read Haunting Of Hill House and directly ripped it off to make that miniseries.

The most fucked up thing about Severus Snape is that he still pined for Lily despite not only pushing her away but basically causing her death (if I remember the story well enough).

How did tonight's episode not get an A?
I really don't have much to say beyond that. This was some cringe worthy humor on par with the UK Office, even if Mark Duplass kind of ruined it by being a smarmy ass and too genre savvy for his own good.