The Shredder

The idea of Max dressing up as a cockroach for Halloween
Probably one of the funniest gags in tonight's episode.

Oh god please let there be a second season.
This has definitely been one of the breakout new shows this season, this and Terriers, and both of them have the possibility to be one season wonders (Terriers more than Rubicon since Terriers isn't even pulling in a million viewers).

I think Katie is more willing to sacrifice her own sanity than ruin her relationship with Britt at this point. Granted this show always zags when I expect it to zig, so next week she could tell him and Britt and Hank go beat the professor's ass.

Black Irish
Yeah, I thought the fact that they tried to establish the main characters not only as Irish people but in the IRA as incredibly weak. There had to be a better way to do that.

Another great episode.
I had been excited to see this all day, sadly enough, and it was just as good as I hoped it would be.

Fun fact: I literally JUST got an email saying the book just shipped. Seems that drunk/compulsive shopper me from the summer left a good present for Current Me that doesn't include an empty bank account.

Yeah but I can get it on Amazon for 10 bucks and free 2 day shipping.

@wolfmansRazor: yeah it's like 16 bucks though. I love the AV Club but being a broke-ass college student who only works a couple days a week doesn't exactly afford you a lot of spending money.

Also, I don't know if you remember, but I was the twitter user whom you retweeted way back when you did the write-up for THIS IS IT and I made a joke about it being like Twilight (won't repost the whole thing here).

Definitely going to buy the book.
Had meant to preorder it but I've had issues with Amazon preorders before and didn't want to risk it, but I've been excited for this book since, well, the Year Of Flops became a lifelong event.

oh, I thought he was implying that he read all five.

Also I feel like Mostly Harmless improves on repeat readings. It's the densest of the 5, like Adams is deliberately fucking with the audience, so you really need to read it more than once to get a lot of the humor, or hell even the plot at some points.

Eoin Colfer wrote a sixth book based on notes left behind by the Adams estate.

One of the best book series ever.
So belligerently dense that it takes multiple readings to even crack the surface of the humor found within, and my earliest introduction to British humour.

That was the first thing I thought of. Damn you Paul Scheer, you psychic motherfucker!

Wait for the trade, it's only going to be a four issue mini.

I wanted to read Nemesis but the store I go to was sold out by the time I got there and by the time the second printing came out I had read enough bad press to turn me away.

Oh my god Batman Odyssey is terrible. The first issue has Batman using a gun! And every page is like 80% covered in text balloons.

Interesting Premise But Missed Opportunity is kind of what Millar is KNOWN FOR.

oh are you fucking kidding me.
if this show gets a full season and Running Wilde doesn't…I dunno what I'm going to do.