The Shredder

They show X-FILES too, as part of a sci-fi block with TORCHWOOD and (I think) DOCTOR WHO.

Isn't the rumor that Gaiman (who was fairly young at the time) wrote most of GOOD OMENS and Pratchett helped him out because Gaiman couldn't sell the thing on his own merit?

This hopefully won't happen.
I like the idea of the Toy Story gang being revisited in shorts since there wouldn't be as big of expectations on them, but I seriously doubt there'll be a Toy Story 4. I won't believe it until actual Pixar executives say so, and even then I'll be skeptical until I'm in the theater

I think it's one of the few Pixar movies that distinctly doesn't have a happy ending, or is more melancholy than the rest.

3D Excitebike
I am somewhat disappointed that this is the game that Nintendo went for as far as 3D remakes are concerned, although the diorama graphics add a more whimsical feel to the game. Especially considering that the Zelda franchise is about to have an anniversary it would have been nice to see the original NES

But they've pretty much established the TARDIS Matrix as a living organism that acts of its own accord. Think of it like the sentient ship on FARSCAPE, but without talking.

(this is all information directly from his blog)

That's the base price for his speaking engagements because he prefers to focus on writing and doesn't want to be a public speaker. He also admits he gives libraries lower prices but they didn't ask for one because they had a set amount of money to spend that wouldn't carry over to the next year and HAD to be spent on

Except Spider-Man 2 is the pinnacle of the trilogy, same with X-2.

Some clearly hasn't been keeping up with the Batman comics. The fact that writers have two variations of Batman to play with (the slightly goofier and less serious Dick Grayson and the original flavor Bruce Wayne) has made the books a lot better. Plus considering that Bruce's origins had been bled dry by the time

The good thing about SUPER is
it opens wide this weekend.

I somehow managed to watch the entire thing because half through a weird sense of Stockholm Syndrome set in and I thought it'd get better. (It didn't)

Are you implying that THE LADY KILLERS and INTOLERABLE CRUELTY are Secret Successes as well?

I really didn't like the ending either way. I think the movie works better when it plays the reality stuff straight. The hinting at a larger conspiracy doesn't work because we never get to know more about it.

Looked at Wikipedia right after watching this today. Apparently there's a post-credit "promo" for Series 8 that implies that Doria (Glenn's wife) didn't kill anyone and that Glenn was still alive and the new champion, and that the alternate ending had Glenn and Dawn being attacked by a disgruntled audience for ruining

Yes they are.

Totally agree.
While ultimately I think that B:TAS' vision of The Joker is the closest any adaptation has come to the "definitive" Joker, this episode highlighted some of the worse traits certain writers bring out in him. It actually reminded me a lot of Nolan's take on him in THE DARK KNIGHT. While Ledger's acting

I think the disc battle scene at the beginning was one of the few moments of either Tron where I was actively tense during it. I mean both movies are INCREDIBLY boring, but that part was cool.

Holy shit yet. Also motherfucker can not cry for shit. You'd think for all the money they were dropping on this they'd at least hire an actor who can FUCKING CRY ON CUE.

It's really really gorgeous. They never do anything with these pretty visuals (the whole idea of the Grid is pretty much wasted) but some of the set pieces are breath-taking.