
I logged in just to post a last comment with my OG AV Club account. This seems as good a place as any.

And what the hell was wrong with Joe?!?

I've seen Local H a few times (once as Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers for Halloween) and they always put on a good show.

I was at that Randall Island show! Did you miss Les Savy Five earlier in the day? They were a highlight!

"When it something gets old."

Joey Crawford is a joke and we all hate him.

Ridiculous, I've never seen Tim Duncan make a facial expression.

"The night and the immediate days after?" Is it common to black out for 24+ hours or was she in a coma?

Japandroids is a pretty bad name for a pretty great band.

There's a band called Crywank now.

I just saw The Accountant on HBO and while I enjoyed the butt-kicking I really feel like the plot did not make sense. Like, did he think his dad was a good guy or not? Is he grateful his dad didn't let him go to the school and made him a butt-kicker instead? If he is, why does he donate to the school? If his dad did

Man I thought It Follows was good but didn't feel particularly scared watching it. Then it took me two hours to fall asleep. That movie gets under your skin.

Well our relationship w/ the Sauds is a different kind of messed up, but keep in mind they've provided a lof of the intellectual and/or religious rationale for the violence. Their clerics are like the John Yoo to the suicide bombers' Abu Ghraib guards, to stretch a metaphor.

I'm not sure there's a way to save lives in Syria (aside from taking in as many refugees as we possibly can), but at the very least if we didn't give weapons and training to groups like the the Nour ed-Dine Zenki Brigade (who have been involved in the killing of priests and beheading of children in Syria), we wouldn't

Or, crazy idea, most of these attacks are perpetrated out of countries that have experienced a level of personal and collective trauma we could never in a million years comprehend as we leave snarky comments on our iPhones, which have been bombed and exploited back to the stone age for our advantage (well not us

In March, about 200 civilians reportedly died in Mosul as a result of an American airstrike. Saudis have killed many in Yemen this year with U.S. weaponry. U.S.-armed insurgent groups have killed many civilians in Syria as well. Maybe it's not the thousands every attack but I'm pretty confident we're in the thousands

Hence my scare quotes!

The Intercept is Glenn Greenwald's site. He has nothing whatsoever to do with the alt-right.

There are plenty of people outside of the alt-right throwing cold water on the Russia thing, including Matt Taibbi (who I trust on Russia more than most given his knowledge of the country). I'm not saying there's nothing there, and Trump has definitely been bumbling around hilariously trying to make it go away, but a

I somewhat agree, but would argue we need a new center left and far left party to compete with the existing far right and center right parties.