

This month Lars was hoping to have a gold-plated shark tank bar installed right next to the pool, but thanks to people downloading his music for free, he must now wait a few months before he can afford it.

It's the mammal with the most pointy-out eyes, Steve. 

Even with money on the table, I would've thought Gervais had a few better ideas than "I walk around pulling a funny face and act a bit dopey".


How can the creator of something as witty as The Office churn out garbage ideas like this?

Actividades de la loco!

He's just an arrogant motherfucker with a big-ass head.

The man mean without regard, but he ain't know it. 

This is the reason I carry a sealed DVD boxset of The Wire around with me

You're waiting in a queue. A queue that'll take you far away.

Can't go fishing because I always drop the Bass.

As soon as the apparent hatred dies down, so will his popularity
I give it a year.

It's only wrong if the waiter dumps a bucket of water over the table halfway through the meal.

I think they've worked that onto the posters.

What lah fuck?

"I'll never let go, Jack"

If she's working in three decimal-place percentages, I fully expect her to meet the scheduled release dates.

Kindred is fantastic.

It's doubtful he can top the records they made together; but since the split, I've liked the more-polished sound Chris has been working on.