
Limp Bizkit fans are often found running into platform walls at their local train station.

Agreed… what's this Hunger Games all about anyway?

No, that really is his face.

And Your Kids Can Sing.

Todays show; "I raised my son on The Beatles & Arcade Fire and now he looks like this, am I to blame?"

*Patiently waits for Cookie Monster's "I did it all for the Cookies" comment*

Sometimes duct tape just doesn't cut it.

She was Brazilian, or Chinese, or something weird.

You rebuilt the wino?

Trailer: You are not you, you are me.
Trailer for the Trailer: [to itself] No shit.

Multicultural Equivalent Tortoises

Stick to what you're good at, making films.

Hell yes.

All posts are equal, but some are more equal than others.

Ratner couldn't direct his way out of a brown paper book of butts.

The tower block is being redeemed; the grannies on the first floor have had enough.

"You'll never take my food processor alive, Marley"


But why must he mock us with his magnificent hair!?

Giant Squid Diary Day 1: He's sounding a bit Irish.