
The phone-call dragged out sympathy I didn't think I still had for Walt. The crunching of the phone, walking over to Holly… he looked completely defeated.

This. Thought this was the weakest of the season, after maybe the strongest in E11 (yes, I'm on catch-up).

Definitely… also in the scene with Saul and Jesse

The boss, or atleast some kind of general manager.

And two tracks with great intros themselves. 

"Teenage Riot" and "Silver Rocket" from Daydream Nation
"I Want Wind To Blow" and "The Glow Pt. 2" from The Glow Pt. 2

Where Are We Now?
It's technically still the basement.


Alright, times up. Let's do this. DAVIDBOWIE'S SONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

*fetches mic*

As funny as this track is, it's still not quite as laughable as Levine's usual stuff.

Oh boy, this.

Oh boy, this.

Actually, the cumulative hours spent typing LISA NEEDS BRACES have come to this.

Actually, the cumulative hours spent typing LISA NEEDS BRACES have come to this.

Definitely, some of the best hiphop production of the last 10 years.

Definitely, some of the best hiphop production of the last 10 years.

Mr. D. Grips.

Mr. D. Grips.

Frank Ocean deserves his spot, and I'm glad to see Shields and Attack On Memory getting their deserved praise… what happened to the rest of it?