
I never followed this website, but I'd heard about it, and this makes me sad. Although I'm always happy to see actor Henry Zebrowski get work, as he's insanely talented.

“All I need in this life of sin / Is me and my girlfriend”… Isn't that a Jay-Z and Beyonce song from when they first started dating? Bonnie and Clyde?

As long as the character is at least as well played and interesting as Sophia on Orange Is The New Black, then I'll be happy. That girl is mad fun to watch, and I love that her story seamlessly blends together both comedy and drama.

Yeah, but that was a long time ago.

I went to Yale with Kyle! I'm excited to see him making it. We took a Music Theory class together. Not many Yalies go on to excel in the arts. Most of them take on office jobs. Only a few, such as Alex Timbers, Desiree Burch and Nicholas Tucci have gotten out there.

How is it listing Dwayne Johnson as a celebrity guest? He was a WWF wrestler long before he was a celebrity.

Yes, that song is straight garbage. Even though I know it exists, and I've heard it, I feel better when I delete it from my memory and pretend that it was never written and recorded.


Funny that CB claims house music isn't his thing, since most of his recent hits are house music tracks.

It's funny, because I immediately thought it was the Apthorp as well. I used to live in UWS back in 1999, and I'd always walk past the Apthorp and think "I would love to live there some day". I think some of the late night tv show hosts have lived there at some point also.

Faithful Gurgi was that dude.

I attended the Kumail / John Mayer show. Good times…

It would make a good mashup with Lotus Flower Bomb by Wale featuring Miguel.

They are Real, because they keep it real. I think all shows should just be random people sitting around and talking to each other. No plots to get in the way.

That's old. Everybody's known about that guy for years.

Apparently Obama tapped a minister to inaugurate him who hates gays.. Whoops!

That's too bad. I'm a huge fan of comedian Jermaine Fowler, and I was looking forward to seeing him rock out there as a member of the cast. I'm sure he'll appear in many other fantastic shows soon.