
This is most assuredly not news. I have been aware of this for many, many years. You should watch his stand-up as Dan Whitney. It's interesting to see the before and after.

Very cool. Our special car usb song is Adorn by Miguel. This person is a genius, and I hope he makes a ton of money from this.

Boo :-(

People need to understand that while they have Freedom of Speech, that doesn't mean Freedom of Consequences. If you're going to publicly post stuff, then you may lose your job or school admission. Think before you post!

Terranigma is one of the greatest games ever!!! If you haven't played it yet, I strongly encourage you to get your hands on it somehow and give it a shot! It's an amazing and massive game. I loved every second of it!! Great plot, characters, adventure!!!

I don't get the anger about this. Anyone who gets let go from a corporation receives severance pay, usually between a few months and a few years, depending on their terms of service. $25 million really isn't that much, compared to the fact that he would have made that amount for years on end if he hadn't been

He's a total creep. Which makes it particularly strange that he's friends with Richard Linklater and has been featured in some of his animated movies. Look it up on IMDB!

I didn't know Dan Harmon was in that movie looool!

Review Marvel Puzzle Quest!!! I've been hooked on that game for over 1.5 years now! They just released the new Champion mechanic! Few covers are useless now! Check it out!

I don't understand why you'd want to pay to be photographed with a celebrity. I'd only want to be in a photo with one if there was a reason, such as that we were working on a project together, or perhaps they initiated a dialogue with me. But not because I happened to run into them somewhere.

My friend is in this new MTV show, and I want her career to take off, so I will call not bullshit.

Argh!! According to the all non-AV Club articles (including the one on Marvel's own website), it's Agent Banks, not Bates!! Get it right!!! I commented this on the first article, but apparently no one listened!


I can't wait to see Matt Koff's set!

I'm thrilled to see his post-BB acting career taking off! I hope he keeps scoring great roles.

It is interesting to think that pre-2011, it was actually real. So there's that.

Finding Santa wasn't real was one of the worst days of my life, and I'm not even Christian!