stepin fetchit

jeez lobsters, are you trying to outdo tom green in some "deliberately unfunny" contest?

racism is ok as long as de person postin' it is funny, but anybody tryin' tuh make a serious point is a asshole? oh, unless de person makin' de serious point is makin' it about somethin' stupid, lahk which quentin tarantino movie is de best. y'all is a bunch o' pathetic freaks. and ain't a one of yuh even got the

i loves this OP's username! that sho nuff be's funny!

hee hee! yo' sho nuff am funny, mistuh lobsters. now why don't y'all log back in as "mantan moreland" an' do some mo' of yo' truly brilliant comedy stylings. peoples around heah cain't get enuff o' yo humoressness anyway, so's yuh may as well give 'em dey money's worth. i love's yuh, man.

ooh, dat mistuh lobsters is sho nuff busy tuhday. he sho lahk to make fun o' de colored folks. i'se glad he got he a chinee gal for he id pickshure tuhday. it would be awful if he hated dem po' chinee as much as he obvusly hate de' coloreds.

yuh may be uh harvard puhfessor, but yuh ack jus lahk a typical av clubber! yuh don't mind when somebody post stuff lahk this if all they tryin tuh do is be funny, but when dey's tryin tuh make a point like i is, yuh suddenly doesn't lahk it so much. i sho nuff don't gits y'all around dese parts. yuh gits offended at

oh, mistuh lobsters. yuh ain't gots tuh apologize fuh dat mantan moreland stuff. don't be no black peoples visitin' this site no ways, so don't bother tuh apologize fo' lookin lahk a racist asshole. nobody cares!

oh, mah goodness! i is a queer too? yo' certainly is a enlightened fella, mistuh lobsters.

and lobsters1 is de funniest person on de internets fo' comin' up with de brilliant "mantan moreland" character dat we's heah at duh av club love so much. please, let's have mo' mantan!

hey! how about a funny character poster with a parrot fo' a icon and yuh could suggest that de parrot haid a colored owner? den de parrot could say stuff lahk "polly want some fried chicken!" or "bitch bettah hab mah money!" oh, dat would be brilliant!

no, you gon' log ontuh yo' mantan moreland account and make yuh some funny jokes at the expense of colored folks, cause yuh is one of dem strange white mens who cain't hep yoself when it come to dat.

seems tuh me lahk you should love you some eric clapton. i heahs dat he be a racist too! birds of a feather should flock togethuh, shouldn't dey?

hey, colored folks ain't gots tuh be wrong fo they tuh irritate you, now does they mistuh lobsters? you'se de fellah who thinks dat "mantan moreland" thing be funny!

also, while ah doan wanna seem rude, it's kine ob funny dat a fella who have a obviously low opinion of colored folks wouldn't know how to spell "recognize" de right way. unless you'se a englishman, in case o' which ah finds yuh even mo' mystifyin' than befo'.

now hurry up and post a comment as "lobsters1" yuh crazy intuhnet prankstuh!

yo' mantan moreland posts was funny dis heah mo'nin', mistuh lobsters. ain't nuttin' unfocused about that shit.

hey, mantan! i thinks yuh meant tuh say "mistuh plumcot" there. yuh doan wanna go gittin yo' neck stretched fo' tawkin' de wrong way tuh uh white main!

keep a pluggin' mantan! somebody gon' laugh at dis heah joke eventually!

you is black, yuh crazy colored main! aw, mantan, yo' schtick jus' gits funnier ev'y time yuh posts somethin'!

ah tends tuh doubt that anybody referrin' tuh obama supportuhs as "kool-aid chuggers" ackshully voted fo' de man. ahs voted fo' 'im mahself, but ah sho doan know nuthin and nobody who fit de description of "kool-aid chuggers". certainly they ain't nearly as many crazy-ass truth-ignorin' obama supportuhs as they was