stepin fetchit

you'se about one disgustinly stupid muthafucka, jim. they's a big diffe'nce between liberal guilt and simple human decency.

you obviously can't read then. or let's say you can't read between the lines.

ain't gon' happen, frien'. jews, irish, hillbillys, chinamen, none of them is funny to a certain type of white folks the way the coloreds is funny. guess it's jes a habit they cain't break. it's ok wit' me though! shee-it, i made over a hunnert thousand dollars in 1938, when that was a lot of damned money fo' anybody,

lahk you really knows who karl rove is. ah sho nuff don't. me and white folks got uh agreement, i stays out of they bizness and they kindly don't lynch mah black ass. it's workin' out fine so far, though you never kin tell wit' white folks. they seems tuh git mad at colored folks no matter how little we has to do wit'

i only do dat shoeshine bullshit on camera, white man.

hee-hee! cause you so dumb you cain't tell the diffe'nce tween ads and aids, right mantan? tha's the kine of brillince dat have made you a legend in de world of comedy.

hey folks, don't gits offended heah. mantan ain't in no way tryin tuh suggest that he would wanna do de nasty wit' a white woman! he git a little crazy ev'y now an agin, wit' all dis heah freedom on de internet an all. yeah, de internets sho nuff be great fo peoples lahk me an' mantan and our puhticular kine ob humor.

snark? should i gits outta dis heah pool den? oh, dat's funny! lahk ah would be crazy enuff tuh git in de pool wit white folks. da's a sho-fire way to get mah neck stretched, hee-hee!

i thought his name was will smiff!

well, ah guessed i spoke too soon. yuh kin always count on somebody heah at the av club tuh appreciate some good ol' fashioned politically incorrect humorousness. nice to know you an' me will always be appreciated around heah, eh mantan?

well den mistuh bastid, you'se gon' love me! i really lays on the negritude 'cause i sees that shit goes over bigtime round heah! y'know, last week it was a thread about tiger woods where somebody suggested that tiger shoulda used his press confe'nce tuh say some shit like "y'all can kiss mah ass! i'll fuck any bitch

hey, bawse! looks lahk you done pushed this shit too far and de white folks done abandoned yo' ass! guess now you gon' have to log off and answer yo own posts?

who da fug you kiddin 'bout 'king of zombies' bein' a wealth of any information other dan how openly racist this country was at one time? how stupid you thinks peoples is? boy, muthafuckas lahk you kills me wit' dat kine of bullshit. of cawse, i'se only tawkin' up lahk dis heah cuz you saids you wus a colored main

see? dat dere KJJOHNSON got de raht idea. he answer us just lahk we reg'lar folk and don't pay no 'tention tuh de fact dat what we's postin' maht be offensive to SOME peoples. dey ain't impotant, dem peoples dat git offended so easy-peasy lahk dat.

whut seem to be de problem heah? why fo' mah frien' mantan cain't be speakin' he mind? don't dis heah be amurrika no moah?

i doan know who dis mistuh koenig fella is, but why dey done deleteded mah post? dey sho let's mah fren Mantan Moreland post whatevuh he be wantin tuh post, why dey gots to pick on mah black ass? ise jes tryin' to amuse evahbody. it seem lahk y'all folk enjoy dis kine ob humorousnesses. whut be de problem heah?