Assless Chaps

Did they give Clark Johnson's homicide cop a name? I just assumed that Meldrick Lewis left the Baltimore Murder Police for the suburbs.

Sending Carrie and Quinn on an extended exonerate-Brody plot might give them something to do, but seems like a total waste of time. I find it difficult to believe that no one has yet sussed out the crimes Brody committed that were not related to the CIA bombing. Like murdering his fellow POW-turned-traitor, or

Well, to be fair to Will, Alicia always kept him at arm's length during their affair, what with the secrecy and refusing to share the rest of her life with him. In fact, just as Will started to consider deepening their relationship, and getting to know her kids, Alicia bailed on the whole thing.
I agree that Alicia

I didn't care for the fact that the whole Ratting Grace plotline took place without Alicia's knowledge. Sure, her plate is full right now, and the kids want to spare her the trouble, but beating that pervy kid up will not scrub Grace's images from the internet. Alicia would find out eventually.

I don't know. Owen's a pain in the ass, with his I'm-so-perceptive shtick, but their mom, played by Stockard Channing, is the worst. Needy and nosy and pushy.

Now that the Governor has made his woefully inevitable return, can we at least see him put to a useful purpose? Like, as an explanation for the zombie pile-up outside the prison. The Governor has been known to use the walkers for nefarious purposes, so the idea of him luring crowds of them to the prison would make

Did everyone from the Woodbury merge get sick? Did they include even a half dozen able-bodied people? They have purposely left us with very sketchy ideas of how many people reside in the prison, before and after this outbreak, but seeing Maggie working to prop up the fence all by herself bugged me to no end.

This show has never been a dynamo of narrative momentum, but I question the ultimate point of the plague storyline. We have seen some arguably worthwhile developments for characters like Hershel and Carol, but the endless gloom and misery and deaths of undrawn characters seems redundant. Plus they have yet to pull

Hopefully, by now, Dexter Soy has found his true home at DC, as part of the New Dark Muddy 52.

You're gonna tell me that you've never heard male comic fans saying things equally stupid? Every time I leave a comic store, I need to basically empty my head of the boneheaded rhetoric I have heard spoken there.

Before relaunching Captain Marvel, Marvel should address one of the problems that I think limited the appeal of the current title from the beginning: inconsistent and erratic artwork. This book has had an amazing number of pencilers in its short existence, much to its detriment. The disconnect between the early

Hey, that Samberg show has two black actors (Braugher and Crews) and two Latinas in the cast. It can be done. It should be done.

I know Greg Land has everyone thinking of Terry Crews as Cage, But I'd like someone a little younger. More mid-thirties than mid-forties.

What was that old term? "Cautiously optimistic?"
This could work. DD was always better suited for TV than the movies. Arrow has shown the way to get a street-level superhero on the air. And because the shows will not be associated with the CW, a lot of the teen/soap element can be eliminated. All we need is some good

So, the mistake here was meeting in the hospital behind unlocked doors.

Can I just say? Jeph Loeb has his head up his ass.

Before you completely dismiss Common, listen to the following record, Electric Circus. Common actually retracts his previous anti-gay sentiments. Apparently, Common was dating Erykah Badu at the time, and she made him see the error of his casual homophobia.

Now, just so you know, Marshall has said recently (and previously) said that because he came up through the battle-rap world, he uses his anti-gay slurs as abstract insults against his enemies, rather than as plain homophobia.
His excuses haven't gotten any better over the years yet, either.

As Kurt Sutter usually prefers to delay the inevitable (and delay it, and delay it), rather than get to the point, I think we may get to see him burn off a lot of his anger in battle with the IRA before he even gets to Tara.

I totally question the wisdom of Tara's plans. While the involvement of Wendy was arguably necessary, it proved ultimately to be a bad move. Gemma just stares at her, and she breaks down. Then, attempting to include known Gemma partisan, Unser, in this was beyond stupid. He may have acted like he could go along. He