Assless Chaps

While SOA remains full of wince-inducing moments (in the scene between Chibs and Althea in the open, I desperately hoped that Chibs wouldn't wake her for more bad dialog), even I am not capable of ignoring the fact that they did pull it together after a season that was mostly a total waste before now.

I really like this book. When's it getting cancelled?

Oliver, I would scarcely call Forever Evil, where Ultraman snorted crushed kryptonite in its first issue, entirely humorless.

They'll be casting for Luke Cage soon. Why not Derek Luke?
He was better than he needed to be as the Black Man That Must Be Sacrificed on the Americans. I think he'd be a good choice. If they can't get Sticky Fingaz…

Like those guys ever brought anybody to a movie theater.

I thought the idea was to make a great pilot, and trail off from there. Dammit, Abrams.
Fringe was great. I'm giving Person of Interest another look. But Alcatraz stank, and, after forcing myself through most of its first season, I've given up on Revolution. I've been waiting for Michael Ealy to get a good TV role

They have sort of tried to keep Kalinda in the mix, with her have-they-haven't-they tension with Cary. And while I'm curious to get a scene with the two of them, now that she has obviously betrayed the new firm, I have missed the cameraderie between her and Alicia more than I thought I would.
I realize that Alicia has,

Before her, Miles was married to my father's cousin, Betty, who had a music career herself, as a ground-breaking, if currently obscure, funk musician in the early 70's. I'd have liked to see some focus on their relationship.

Kanye West will go to this movie, and take notes on how navigate that balance between genius and asshole.

My Favorite Miles quote: When asked how he would like to spend his last moments, if he knew he was going to die, Miles said, "With my hands around a white person's throat."

And maybe a reprise of Dylan McDermott's frantic masturbating character from American Horror Story's first season.

Does it matter? They're just gonna cheat the person selling it, anyway.

I'm okay with this. The show is a bit of a misery-wallow, and I wish that it had a point. But it is a lot better than Low Winter Sun.

Bonus points for anyone who remembers the name of that walking mullet. And another song from him.

Good for them. And, in a total reversal, let's have some good, under-appreciated white comics appear, just on the margins.

This isn't a crushing loss, but it points out the boneheadedness of Fox, for shuttling a fledgling show to a new network with almost zero profile. What was supposed to happen?

Since when has anyone on the internet shown they know what "the benefit of the doubt" is?

Is there any sense of whether Logan and her producers (the really blame-worthy parties) had any political axe to grind on Benghazi, i.e., John McCain and Lindsay Graham? Or were they just so gassed up thinking they had the ultimate "gotcha!" story, that they were willfully careless?

X-Men and Avengers over-kill is at unparalelled levels with Marvel these days. But, as a Nightcrawler fan, I'll pick up Amazing and finally dump Wolverine & the X-Men. Nick Bradshaw's artwork has never done it for me, and another fan's characterization of the students in WATXM as Marvel's Garbage Pail Kids, hit a

I don't think I've been harder than necessary on Homeland this season. Except for the Dana stories, which belong on an entirely different show. Like, on the CW or ABC Family. I've even defended them against the objections over Carrie and Saul's Big Scheme (basically, despite what Carrie knew to be true about her