Assless Chaps

I agree. The opening and closing montages are notoriously padded and filler-heavy. And some scenes, like Clay's church freak-out, seem to take longer than necessary. How many times was he gonna exchange meaningful stares with that guy with the beard?

Given these guards' propensity to perform prison rape matchmaking, Clay might have thought better of that whole scheme.

Yeah. They set that idea up by having Dad say that the daughter had bipolar issues, "just like her mother." So she's been wandering homeless for the twelve or thirteen years since JT's death? Don't know that I buy it, but anything to put this old plot away.

Or better yet, since the Brody's live in Virginia, the Cooch.

This week's scenes with Dana were excruciating. Even worse, in its way, than the Lovers On the Run crap of two weeks ago. The idea that Jessica would just allow her daughter to leave her home, that Chris doesn't even get a line in the scene, is hopelessly stupid and lazy. Poor Morena Boccarin, Morgan Saylor, and kid

They had elements I liked (streetwise indie girls doing their take on urban music), but they only rarely put together those elements to my satisfaction. Even their best of CD is wobbly. I'm pretty sure I've outgrown them, but there are plenty of egregiously lousy groups from that time that are still around (my God,

Oh, wow. That's too bad.
You know what I liked, though? Dusty Trails' debut album. That was a side project from LJ's Vivian Trimble, and the Breeders' Josephine Wiggs. Less funky than chilled-out and soundtracky.
I don't know why I bring this up. Probably 'cause I had a crush on Vivian Trimble.

I totally missed this last night. Simple, classy tribute.

I expect that when they move out of that apartment (and really, move out of that apartment), they should be able to take advantage of their most potentially profitable asset: The wife of the Governor-to-be. Chum Hum can't be the only company seeking to court favor with the Florrick Administration.
And, come to think of

Well, positive things first. I appreciated a week off from the Death Watch in the prison. To say this show is getting too depressing sounds redundant, but it's true. I'm ready for the plague story to be resolved.
Rick and Carol's road trip was a good idea. And I had no idea, initially, how it would play out. I still

I feel the show is running so hot right now, I can pick a few nits. As follows:
I agree playing Grace as coy and clueless around men is annoying. But what about these guys? Cary II and the other guys apparently don't realize that the girl they're flirting with is, like, sixteen? And the daughter of their name partner

Hader, Armisen, and Sudeikis all brought something distinctive to the show. I don't see that coming from most of this current half dozen, as yet.

Really, dude? Come on. The REM covers sparked my interest in Reed and VU, and led me to pick up their records. Does it really matter how you get there, as long as you get there?

Okay. I could be wrong.

Andy's artwork is more elongated and contorted. More primal and reminiscent of Joe. Adam's work is a little smoother, and his figures are more compact. Sort of like Marc Silvestri, but better.

The idea of DC letting Adam Kubert write this kind of goes along with the basic contempt that they've shown to actual writers since the New 52. I had no intention of buying this,but to hear it stinks as bad Batman: Odyssey… Holy crap.

So, if, according to some speculation, the Ultimate Universe will be closing up shop soon, whither Miles Morales? I will shed no tears for the Ultimates or the Ultimate X-Men, as it's been years since I read an issue of them. But I think Miles is an important character in the long run, and needs a place to be. But not

The thing is, I think Lou Reed would value this kind of unsentimental appraisal of his work. Reed lived to kick monuments over, not build them. And I certainly think that he wouldn't care for the posthumous turd-polishing that the media does for everyone else.

Thanks for this. As expected, Lou Reed's death brought about talk of of how "complicated" and "divisive" Reed could be. But leaving aside for a moment his virtuosity, impact, and influence, Reed could be an asshole. At times, arrogant, contrarian, and lazy, he was often as determined to push people away as bring them

Lessons learned from the Fables/Once Upon a Time series development: If you don't want to pay for a property, just tweak it a little and steal it.