Assless Chaps

I'm normally not a spoiler-phobe. But I wish that Todd hadn't revealed Camille and Lena's situation as twins seperated by death and time. It wasn't so unexpected that you couldn't foresee it, but the episode was structured so that the revelation was a big reveal. Along with Camille and "Victor's" part in the bus crash.

I think it's the Universal version. Thanks for giving me some hope.

I'd be tempted to call this Twilight of the Acting Gods, if Michael Douglas wasn't here.

I accidentally bought a blu-ray of Halloween II yesterday. I thought it was the first one and didn't see the "II" til I got it home. God dammit.


Laurel as a pill-popping drunk driver? Sigh. They're not making it easy on those of us who have issues with her. I am assuming that when she emerges from her crucible (again, sigh), she'll be a better person for all these neck-snapping character beats. Perhaps, she will find Sara is alive, and take up the mantle of

Jim Rockford: Manly, but not overbearing. Witty, but not overly snarky. Physical, but not intimidating.
The only requirement Vince Vaughan fills here is maybe the height.

Thanks for the warning.

One thing that is essential to carry off extended songsis for a band to play tightly together. LCD Soundsystem was an absurdly tight band. Based on the performances of their new songs, Arcade Fire isn't there yet. They are enthusiastic, sure, but you can see them sweating to keep a groove.

I still lack a sense of the geography of the prison. So I question whether all of that action (the dragging, the burning, etc.) could be achieved without getting someone's attention.

Plus, when Tyreese finds out, things are going to get ugly.

Excellent episode. I see this episode as pivotal in Alicia's personal, as well as professional development, as she finally is able to assert herself, and strike back at her former friends and colleagues. Seeing her snapping back at Will and David Lee, and playing hardball with them after so many years of meek

I had an out-of-nowhere urge to play the Blue Mask this afternoon. I guess this is why.
Rest in peace, you old bastard, Lou. If you want to.

What does it take for a musical guest to get props, Sims? Janelle Monae? Very energetic and entertaining.

I'll pick up Rocket Girl next week. I liked Reeder's work on Madame Xanadu, and I'm curious to see it here.

Andy Diggle just followed in the direction his predecessors (Bendis, Brubaker) led the character to. DD was going to hit bottom at some point. Is it his fault he couldn't not make it suck?
Guess so.

$3.99 for so many Marvel (and DC) titles is really abusing my better nature and pushing me closer to a less-single-issue, more-TPB model. It's coming.

I give Image credit for snatching up talent disaffected by the Big Two, and giving them a place to let their ideas run, without losing creative control, or submitting to pointless editorial fiat. It's good for the creators, good for Image, and ultimately good for us readers.
I'll be revising my pull list soon, to

They'll have to deal with McAuliffe as governor in VA, but mainly because the Republicans have put an unelectable shithead like Ken Cuchinelli against him.
Virginia has moved farther to the right than the northern part of the state is comfortable with, so the beneficiary of that is likely to be the sleazy McAuliffe

You can't save some people from themselves, especially the racist ignoramus type of people. When this guy was running through his litany of bigoted views, right before he skidded into "one of my best friends is black," I told the TV, "No! Don't say it!" But he didn't listen.
Oh, well. We now know who gets to carry the