Assless Chaps

Good looking out. Thanks for the reminder.

It was a good episode, but I keep wanting more out of the villains. Anything in the way of characterization, really. Arrow has a big cast, and a lot of plot needs to service, but a little more time for the bad guys would be helpful. Let's get Summer Glau back, and see her plans for Queen Consolidated.

High-toned McCarthy pedigree aside, the trailers for this movie pretty much struck me as Ridley Scott doing an extended tribute to his late brother, Tony. Well-photographed violence, overdone performances, sunbaked climates, default misogyny. All the marks of a Tony Scott movie. Even the grade it received is an

Yeah, I think though the plan was made, and the goal was clear, Carrie was living this experience. And the fact that you might face validation at some later point wouldn't it easier to be treated like a total crazy.

I kind of got an inkling of this back in week 2, when Saul visited her in the mental hospital, and Carrie told him, "Fuck you, Saul." (more like "Fussssckkk yuuurrr, Saurrrr…")
He was checking to see how she was bearing up, before the whole long con thing got really intense. And while I originally thought the response

You're right, it was Centipede. Ever since those movies, I don't know. I've been traumatized.

While generally liking this show, as a comic fan, some things about it amuse and irritate me. When we saw the promos for this episode, my ten-year-old son says, "Pyro!" "Sunfire!" Sorry, son, that's Scorch. "Who?" Far from Arrow, where even the goddam coatrack has a super-villain's name with 25 years of continuity

No comment on the matter-of-fact prison sex in the closing montage? Come on! That was kinda special.
Tara's grand scheme, while surprisingly ruthless in its conception, seems all kinds of clumsy in its execution. First of all, the inclusion of dumb, suggestible Wendy, who seemed ready to tell Gemma eveything just a

I quit watching this show after episode 2, but I'm just checking in. Yep. Still a piece of shit.

So much ugliness on sale in one place. And at $35 a pop, too.

I know I'm not the only one who saw Carl's luckless friend, Patrick, and thought of Milhouse.
Someone needs to introduce this group to explosives. They could lure that throng from the fence with a siren or something, to an open area they've rigged with a bomb, and blow most of those zombies to atoms. Why not? Tell me

Just wait til the phone calls start…

This episode was excellent, showing that, even if Alicia and Cary leave the firm, we can still appreciate a good Diane-focused storyline. Her continuing need to prove, and then disprove, that marrying Kurt is a good idea, was cute. And I thought sure she was going to stand him up. And whadaya know, instead of

I'm looking forward to this movie. Okay, maybe the wrong words there, but to finally see a film that fulfills the promise of Chiwetel Ejiofor is long overdue. Also, John Ridley needs an opportunity to redeem himself, after taking part in the lamely scripted, George Lucas produced Red Tails.

I was pretty much like that with Pope, when he started doing work at Vertigo. "What's the big deal with this guy? Why's his art so cool?" But the I read his stuff, and discovered how he was able to bring the emotional content out of his stories, no matter what their content. And the fact that his artwork struck me as

The idea that the Superman/Wonder Woman series seems to exist solely to prop up this arbitrarily conceived romance bugs me. Even Marvel didn't try to squeeze an ongoing out of the misguided Storm/BlackPanther marriage.

I'm a crazy fan of Pope so OF COURSE I'm going to get this. Any reservations I might have had, the Haggard West prolog dissipated. It's great that an increasing number of creators (Pope, Ed Brubaker, Grant Morrison) are deciding not to be pushed around by the Big Two (exclusively) anymore, and just hitting us with

I got a friend into SOA, around season 4. He's since watched the previous seasons (even 3, God help us!), and is a lot more engaged with the show than me, anymore. But since I got him into it, I feel like I can't leave him watching this spiraling show on his own.

The idea of Tara working an elaborate con to get the kids away from Jax and the club is a nice idea. That she would try to include the endlessly dumb, suggestible Wendy is absurd beyond belief.

I fully intended to purchase Endless Wartime, but the guy working at my comic shop warned me off. It was more for the low page count and the price for the hardcover, but after finally reading Ellis' Secret Avengers issues last week, Ellis' deficiencies at writing Avengers stories (overdone exposition, indistinctive