Assless Chaps

Female actors, as they get older, rarely get the opportunity to just go buckwild on screen, like, say, Jack Nicholson or Christopher Walken.

And whatever you do, Dana, don't go for a ride with this guy.

It's interesting to consider how Homeland plans to "win back" the considerable contingent of fans it alienated in season 2 by having the main characters acting so unsympathetically so far.

I see this role as two-pronged, basically. There is the physical part, that a viewer will become aware of: The jostling around, the weightlessness, the difficulty of emoting through a space helmet. I became aware of these things at random intervals, and Bullock nails this part of the movie completely.

I now see this show as an elaborate ruse to make us all more appreciative of the Walking Dead's crazy tonal shifts and poorly conceived characters. Come on home, TWD. We're ready for you now.

Arrow was mired in confused plotting and general CW mediocrity until about halfway through the season. Then they hit a groove and found the thread to take them through the season. Joss Whedon related shows generally take a little while to gel, so give it time.

I had some problem with Sorrentino on GA initially, as it often looked as though his pencils had been partially erased. Figures looked hazy and indistinct. His work has tightened up considerably since then, and now he's currently on of DC's best artists, month to month. Which is kind of like damning him with faint

This show, and James Spader's performance, bring up a question that I never thought I'd have an occasion to ask: Why aren't they torturing him?

FX is allowing Sons to run long every episode this season, with four out of five episodes taking up 90 minute time slots. As I said at the beginning of the season, this has resulted in episodes that are something other than drum-tight. Handlen brings up the initial gratuitous showdown with the skinheads as blatant

Okay, SOA. You're trying to worm your way back into my good graces. You finally wrapped up that brutal, pointless Lee Toric plotline. You finally sent Otto to his final reward in Hell. The way things were going with him, I was afraid they were going to keep cutting parts off of him until he could fit in a desk drawer.

Did you notice she has green eyes? No, wait! Emerald eyes!

Okay, you know what? When you put it like that, I'm done.

The Good Wife is back. And in spite of the fact I am a man who enjoys football, I can't stand to see this show disrupted by the constant football overruns. I think that also contributed to the malaise on this show last fall. Not only did the Kalinda ex-husband plotlines stink, but you were forced to watch them

If Cary 1 is the Good Wife's Jesse, Cary 2 is the Good Wife's Todd. He seems like a jerk free of the charisma of the original. And yes, imminently chokable.

They go to the well for that "Lorne Michaels is detached and probably racist" bit at least once a year. They really wore it out during the Tim Meadows years.

It's no mystery to me why they had the Girtls sketch on Saturday. I assumed that Fey had some writing input on that one, and, if not, they thought she'd be good as the fishwife character. Certainly better than Miley Cyrus is going to be at anything this Saturday.

I wanted to make a joke about how the band's eye makeup was similar to Stephen Amell's on Arrow, and how they're all Canadian, but I was too tired.

I've been with this show from the beginning. I've been a missionary for BB, and I'm happy to report that I've converted quite a few people over to it.

I'm still trying to scrub the memory of his season of 24 from my mind. Sure, the plot was poorly written (and totally wasted Katee Sackoff), but he couldn't sell it at all.

Jill Scott's in this, too? For goodness' sake. Nothing is sold more cheaply than self=respect.