Assless Chaps

This is exactly the kind of movie Paula Patton should not be doing. Starring in a dated cheapie rom-com is even worse than playing "the Girl" in that Denzel/Wahlberg gunfest.

Sonya's persistence here was excellent. Marco, determined to wallow in his grief, is mean to Sonya, and says hurtful things. Sonya may be hurt, but gives no indication that she is, and just works on Marco until she can let him know she has more experience with loss than he might expect.

I wonder if, at some point, Sonya and Marco will become actual police partners. Marco appears to be coming to the end of his rope on the Juarez Police, and with his wife and children gone, Mexico may hold nothing for him but pain.

What I found amusing, along with his announcing his approval with Gosling's career, was his unspoken assumption that that is the kind of acting career that he can have. And maybe he can. But he seems a little presumptuous.

The pacemaker killing may have been possible, but the way the show rendered it wasn't very plausible. The Dana hit-and-run plot was like something out of a nighttime soap, but that's what happens when producers feel the need to service every character (but Chris!). What bothered me most was how poorly the CIA

I was one of those critical individuals last season, but I don't apologize. I wasn't the one who endangered this show's credibility with a series of increasingly outlandish plot developments. I think Homeland's current problems can be corrected. Largely by keeping Brody out of the picture for as long as possible.

Hopefully (for her), this show will stay on long enough for Gellar to talk Kelley into giving Freddie Prinze Jr a guest shot.

Glad to find out that it wasn't just me who could not coonect with Jamie Delano's Hellblazer stories. Especially the lengthy Fear Machine arc. It was obvious that Delano was engaged in featuring then-current UK issues in his stories, like homelessness, and the anti-nuke movement. But his stories frequently had plot

Seriously, with the montages here. If they featured more people drinking, it'd be like Rescue Me was still on the air.

I see Bobby's Nomad Quest ending when he and his Legion of Substitute Bikers run afoul of a gang that actually holds clout over that area on the map. They wipe out his new crew, so Bobby has to get SAMCRO's help to avenge them.

Let's collect donations to buy Lee a one-way ticket to Detroit. Then he can join the cast of Low Winter Sun, and fit in with the other maniacally corrupt cops.

By the way, DeGrassi fans, Drake said in his recent XXL interview that after this album and tour, he's looking at getting back into acting. He "really admires what Ryan Gosling has done with his career." Heh.

Hey, I'm no poseur, guy. My real name isn't Reinholt-Johannes VanWinderBurgerGaarden, like these guys.

Why can't an album be both difficult and bad? Congratulations was a dreadful, self-indulgent mess. And if only their feet were sticking out last time, they've must have totally disappeared up their own ass now.

With the Weeknd, I'd be more concerned about the STDs.

With Kanye talking out his ass about back-burnering music to design buildings and water bottles (?), he's leaving everyman status behind for good (or GOOD).

One thing contributing to the perceived disposability of Drake's music is its ubiquity. He puts out so many singles and features with other artists, that songs rarely have the opportunity to stick. Sure, I snickered and nodded at Started from the Bottom like everybody else, but I don't think I ever heard that Beyonce

You're the Rocket Man.

My nomination for MVP here: The Magneto-style cell that they put Spader in.

This a "limited" series, right? How many episodes is it supposed to be?