Assless Chaps

I'll watch the pilot, but this show is definitely a hard sell for me. I've been immune to Spader's smug self-satisfaction for years now, never more so than when he stank up the Office recently. And the All-seeing, All-knowing Criminal Mastermind character seems to be the main factor turning people off on the otherwise

You're kidding, right?

LMD: Life Model Decoy

Network interference is certainly something that Joss Whedon should be very familiar with. I hope that when the show is seen as successful (and why not?), ABC backs off and lets him and his people do what they do best.

The young girl on Revolution (see, I can't even remember her name) is pretty uninteresting.

"Bruce Boxleitner?" "Dynamism?"

I think it was suitable that Eliot and Gretchen should have been the spark that brought Walt back again. In many ways, their betrayal was what created Heisenberg to begin with.

Some might balk at this episode, after last week's powerhouse of a show. But BB has always been about tension and release, so let's ease the pressure one last time.

I was going to say. Forget a Texas accent, sometimes she doesn't even sound American.

They had a little shot of Tate in next week's previews. What I hope is that, now that he's in custody, they start to let a little air out of his Unstoppable Serial Killer guise. Explain how he managed to finesse some of the incredible shit that he got away with.

Not yet.

Until this show opens and closes every episode with a mopey songfest like Sons of Anarchy, don't complain.

I'm all in favor of action, of violence, even ownage. But some of Sons' major themes, like Jax trying to get out, Gemma trying to maintain her control, after six seasons, are completely played out. And trying to gain relevance from serious issues, only to fall back on their usual ham-fisted approach, is exploitive and

Or at least Yaphet's toupee.

With Crews and Braugher, two black actors in the cast, as well. Obviously, this ain't the same Brooklyn we see in Girls.

I think that it's instructive that one of the mitigating factors on the Sons villainy in early seasons is now gone. SAMCRO, early on, took pride in the fact that they protected Charming from over-development, and kept a lid on crime (other than theirs). That led to a complex relationship with Charming law enforcement

It looked to me that he was getting in the truck to escape with his girlfriend. If he wasn't, that's a big "whoops" for Nero.

Equally stupid was having about a half dozen more guys in the house than the cops saw come in, all moving around in front of the open windows.

Funny how Jax's vaunted Path to Legitimacy for the club just means more cold-blooded murder. I dared hope that the unearned heaviness of the school shooting would at least bring about some soul-searching on the part of the Sons and their affiliates. But no. Just more frantic scrambling and ass-covering. Add to that

It's still hard to believe that Professional Career Destroyer Sean Combs has anything to do with Janelle Monae, even if it's just in name only.