Crucial Sandwich


A Canadian man has got to eat.

"[I have the worst musical taste] ever" - Natronicus

Yeah probably.

Yeah probably.

*Makes engine noises*


When fondly remembering AtDI albums, how do people gloss over the fact that Cedric missed almost every note he sang? Say what you will about his current style, at least he can sing relatively on pitch now.

Whiskey consumption is a Viable Alternative to bacon flavored vodka consumption.

Damn you Scurrilous Lies for using Arbitrary Capitalization as a Literary Tool to make me laugh.

BLT w/ a BHoC sandwiches on my menu tonight.

Yes you should, stupid.

As a scientist, it seems to me that a significantly larger (re: 100 years) sample set is required to really determine GM foods "are not bad for humans."

No they're not.

I liked all the Audioslave albums, though progressively less with each release.

El Cielo was (is) beautiful, beautiful work.

Gone are the days of Desolation Row.

I laughed quite hard at "Taste the delicious taste!"

Interesting points, all.

Is Blu-Ray the only ultra-high-fidelity format that is currently being pursued?