Crucial Sandwich

I am a contemporary metal fan (eg God Forbid), but I don't truly see where the genre can progress much further.

I agree, vinegary chips can frequently mean rectalocaplyspe for me as well.

Nicely done.

He likes cowboy hats, bandanas, helmets and bandanas-under-cowboy hats. He tolerates baseball caps.

Alcohol is a wiser use of discretionary calories.

I see what you guys are doing there.

Including names of relatively unknown people adds credibility to any story.

It's a deep burn.

No love for the sitar solo?

Also, disc boxes make a relatively attractive wall-space-taker-upper.


I'd like to be on that list.

@ Thants


That visual amalgam is spot on.

True story
The headphones mentioned briefly in the article are top-notch.