
vanessak69 I didn't know the John Wayne Agnes Moorehead story (they got cancer while filming Genghis Khan) had been debunked. Reading these posts has expanded my horizons. Good job, ma'am!

vanessak69 I didn't know the John Wayne Agnes Moorehead story (they got cancer while filming Genghis Khan) had been debunked. Reading these posts has expanded my horizons. Good job, ma'am!

I'd go with the bangs cut. Just a bit, to show off your eyes. Which are lovely, by the way.

I'm thinking I agree w/ Tiffany and Yo Gabba. I haven't read the comics either, so those who have prolly know what the significance of the pet zombies are. But masking her smell would be my guess.

Herschel or the hologram doctor? T-Dogg or the black Vulcan? Hey, this is fun!

I would too Jesse. I kind of liked it.

So will the Governor be Darryl's brother Merle?

I would hope Lucas wouldn't go back to the Anakin - Vader - Luke story line. That's a perfectly bookended piece as it stands now. ("Perfectly" being a relative term, considering Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones.) However, I think the Old Republic is an extremely rich source of stories, both free-standing pieces

Philip Baker Hall was in one scene in Boogie Nights and damn near stole the show. "These kids have the hot fuck action to the max." Excellent line.

'House of Sardines' was actually a little-known Eugene O'Neil play. It was only performed once, and was panned. Critics thought the whole sardine metaphor was too heavy-handed. Later in life, O'Neil was known to refer to it as "that whole Sardine fiasco." True story.

I swear, that actress was not the same one who ran off in S2 EP1. She was, yes Inger, much taller and much older.

Charlotte really knew how to dance the hoochie-coochie.

What's this about a 2 1/2 month hiatus?

"Rosebud is Kane's sled."

Question: don't you have to pee on the stick first thing in the morning? Seriously, I'm a guy so I don't know these things.

1. Glenn is in the well, the rope support starts to fail & Glenn is flailing away just inches from the well zombie. As he is struggling to stay out of the zombie's grasp, we see the lasso on his right hip. Then when they pull him out, he reveals that he has roped the zombie, which will be a new event in the

She just wanted to piss outside at night. It's refreshing!

Oh you can totally turn into a zombie if you're already dead. It's easy!

Asian? You like Asian better? OK Asian. Is he Korean? Japanese? I don't know. I don't remember his name. There's the old guy, the black guy with the cut arm, the short-haired lady, the missing kid, the shot kid, redneck cop, good guy cop, Mrs. good guy cop, and the oriental guy. Don't judge me. I was in the war.

No source, Echos, my supposition.