
What was the music that was playing at the beginning of the bridge tournament sequence?

I want me one of them shirts.

I'm getting that. Reviewer guy wasn't that impressed either (A- grade notwithstanding). Personally, I loved every minute of it. And the minute with Mary Elizabeth Winstead's butt . . . oh my.

Did she play Go (Margo) in Gone Girl?

We were talking soda pop
we talk it quite a lot.
Modest Mouse

I'm from WV and I call it 'ploingo-snurkel'.

Disagree w/ author about Once Upon a Time in the West. It's overblown and dreary.

I heard a tale that McQueen was filming the sequence where he was going down one street, can't recall which, with all the jumps. Supposedly, he crunched the brake fluid lines on his Mustang and after the director called 'cut' he had to drive a few blocks without brakes before he could get his vehicle under control.

There was one excellent shot in this movie. About 45 minutes in, the police are looking for the body of one of the missing women. Billy Connolly's character is talking to Mulder and/or Scully, then turns his back to them and walks across this frozen lake to where the search is going on. You get a long shot of Connolly


Did you see the recent video of DT praying with evangelicals in (I think) Iowa? They were actually *touching* the Donald! He looked so freaking uncomfortable. It ranks right up there with the '11 WH Correspondents' Dinner.

Wasn't it during the day when the kid got on the bus? Am I just misremembering?

Gordon Levitt was great in 3rd Rock.

Dad - Levar Burton.

Didn't know that about Niven. Bon voyage, Sir Christopher. A life well lived.
Bartender, set everyone here up with a glass of Glen Morangie. On me!

I know!

If by 'aliens' you mean aliens on earth, I agree - cheap. Someone at work suggested the town and surrounding area is in outer space. I'm thinking no - how did the previous sheriff get from the town to the highway out in the free world to snag Ethan's wife & son.

How about this one?
6 - 7 year old girl (Minx, the little strumpet) hacks into her dad's DoD website. At secure login, she has to enter a password. "That's easy" she says, "it's the date of the last time Baltimore won the championship." Then click-click-click on the ol' keyboard and she's in. Come on. I work for a

Yes, but "This show is Satan's asshole" is the best line of dialogue I've heard in a long time.

". . . there is no one on Earth who finds this Skye storyline interesting . . ."
I find it interesting. Boom! Theory blown!