
I'm with you Ras, even though I've busted on the episode elsewhere here in this forum. Dialogue had some drags, and there were the typical "Oh come on" moments that we've come to love and expect. But really, all in all, I enjoyed this one.

I'm with Scruff. Merle will be the Governor.

Agreed, Michelle. Guy was bitten (re-read poem), decided to kill himself. Didn't want to be zombie food, so he climbed tree, underestimated length of rope, dangled too low, died, feet & lower legs were too low so zombies munched on legs before he changed, then he changed into a zombie. Simple!

Not happenin'. Otis is lunch.

Answer to #2: Jenner told Rick the virus was manufactured at the CDC as part of a secret government bioweapon research project. The virus got out somehow, and the rest is history.
Answer to #4: Fort Benning, Georgia.

Would it kill you to have an affair? Come on slackers, get with it.

Put me in the Not Kare kolumn. Whee! This is fun! Anyone kare to join in?

Right, totally agree. He wanted to go with Otis and Shane after pumping out, what?, a couple of quarts of blood? He was so low that he couldn't stand up and his face was white, but "I gotta go help 'em." Bullshit.

Season 1 finale, the research dr. at the CDC. The group is getting ready to leave. Dr. reaches over, grabs Rick, pulls him close, whispers something in his ear. Rick gets a dread sad look on his face, then they all leave & the place blows up.

Arrogant rich guy who gets his comeuppance.

Sound & Vision magazine listed the 8 TV shows with the best sound design. One was, of course, TWD. I'm with you, the dialogue was almost indecipherable in places. But maybe that's a blessing.

There was a "No Zombies Allowed" sign up, so the zombies left. But they are filing a civil rights complaint. That will be in next week's episode.

This IS fun! How about this one? "WHAT'S HAPPENING???"

Seriously though, that whole bit — "We need some drugs." "Well why didn't ya say so? Got some right here in the ol' backpack." was bad, just bad.

The meth was Merle's. Darryl said so. Darryl doesn't lie. Darryl is the best.

So did you eat the pumpkin seeds? Because I totally love toasted pumpkin seeds.

A big gold medal to the Lieutenant! American Gothic was great, and the CBS brass were craven cowards to pull it so quickly.

I'll bet that's it!

The people in the cars died in a massive interstate pile-up. So why weren't the cars all piled up? Uh. . . it was . . . a slow-moving pile up?

Who's Lincoln? Is he the black guy who got his arm cut?