
It's a really low bar to clear, obviously, since those movies are also terrible.

Hey, look! Another unbelievably terrible movie!

No he hasn't.

There's nothing to get. Movie is empty.

Good to see this guy is getting some work.

This might be the first legitimate good movie Watch This has profiled this week.

"Amateurish on purpose" is an explanation used for a lot of horror movies. 70's-era documentaries weren't that badly put together. I disagree on shooting and editing.

You sound like a fan.

I think it's a cromulent viewpoint.

This is my favorite Pumpkins album.

In some folks' opinions. I found it amateurish and annoying with little control from behind the camera.

Yes. Somehow it's not even as half as cool as it sounds.

To each their own.


I can give the original points for a few things - I think the basic idea of Leatherface and some of the production design do legitimately accomplish the grimy, disturbing aesthetic Hooper was going for. Very little else works.

I have watched this. It is a horrible movie. So bad, in fact, that it makes the first one look good.

"They had to add a five minute scene of filler after the bus death…"

Trust is great! I think it's one of his essentials.

I'd also add Eraserhead to my list.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre sucks. That's actually a great example of what I'm talking about.