The criteria for "good" horror movies is pretty low in general.
The criteria for "good" horror movies is pretty low in general.
It's a pretty effective short story as well.
This isn't The Dissolve, so no.
Adios, mofo.
Stupid Philip Garbage-Mouth
Yes, Homer, although he is terribly flawed, usually will eventually make the right choice. Underneath his stupidity and gluttony he's actually a good person.
They "ugly people on your block" is the Grandpa line that most resonates with me in terms of my grandparents.
Who want to deport the Dreamers, and that's not happening, so they don't really have much impact.
Followed up by:
It's a great Bart moment.
That's what I was thinking.
Probably badly. Hutz is a terrible user of women. He moves in right away and then disappears when the money dries up.
Amazingly prescient and relevant joke. The Simpsons did that a lot.
"The Rooster has sex with both of them."
Dream story or GTFO.
Bunuel's best, IMO.
Yeah, it rewards multiple viewings.
You'd be fond of drink, too, if you spent the previous few years in Twin Peaks.
I love the Merv Griffin episode.