
I had the Jerry Maguire experience (ew) too, only in my case it was made worse for me because I tried to avoid it. Just after it came out on VHS my mom and I were visiting my aunt, and my aunt had rented the movie for all of us to watch. I hadn't seen the movie, but friends at school had, so I'd heard all about the

I had the Jerry Maguire experience (ew) too, only in my case it was made worse for me because I tried to avoid it. Just after it came out on VHS my mom and I were visiting my aunt, and my aunt had rented the movie for all of us to watch. I hadn't seen the movie, but friends at school had, so I'd heard all about the

The first few seasons were on Showtime.

The first few seasons were on Showtime.

Though it would have been bad and wrong for a cluster of other reasons, I am very glad that Fitz and Olivia didn't just get it on against a tree with the agents trying gamely to ignore it.

Though it would have been bad and wrong for a cluster of other reasons, I am very glad that Fitz and Olivia didn't just get it on against a tree with the agents trying gamely to ignore it.

Nope. He IS with some other model though.

Nope. He IS with some other model though.

With a lady in the middle there's some leeway.

With a lady in the middle there's some leeway.

He's still a cool dude! He swears! He was in The Roommate!!

He's still a cool dude! He swears! He was in The Roommate!!

He is many things. Many faceless things.

Slimer probably posts a lot of pictures of food.

Slimer probably posts a lot of pictures of food.



Too true

Too true

Still making headlines all across the country, the Ghostbusters are at it again.