
Still making headlines all across the country, the Ghostbusters are at it again.

What about the Twinkie??

What about the Twinkie??

Oh god why did you SAY it? Now it's out there, you can never get that back.

Oh god why did you SAY it? Now it's out there, you can never get that back.

@avclub-f73c955e2c1f51451a682f5c1ce0e867:disqus Okay, that is a very good point.

@avclub-f73c955e2c1f51451a682f5c1ce0e867:disqus Okay, that is a very good point.

For me it's because I feel like I come across really poorly on the phone, which of course then trips me up because I expect to come across poorly. In person you at least have facial expressions.

For me it's because I feel like I come across really poorly on the phone, which of course then trips me up because I expect to come across poorly. In person you at least have facial expressions.

I've always loved the mom's response to that line, the laughing "Elliot!!". I think it's because it's just how my mom would have reacted when I was a kid, laughing because that's a goofy thing to say, but then with the "But you can't be saying that to your brother" chiding added in.

I've always loved the mom's response to that line, the laughing "Elliot!!". I think it's because it's just how my mom would have reacted when I was a kid, laughing because that's a goofy thing to say, but then with the "But you can't be saying that to your brother" chiding added in.

THANK YOU for mentioning Lloyd Alexander. I get nothing but blank looks in response from roughly 99% of folks when we talk about childhood books and I mention him.

THANK YOU for mentioning Lloyd Alexander. I get nothing but blank looks in response from roughly 99% of folks when we talk about childhood books and I mention him.

Oh gods now I'm thinking about the Corinthian.

Oh gods now I'm thinking about the Corinthian.



I guess that guy really would rather be fishing.

I guess that guy really would rather be fishing.

So all this time those COULSON LIVES bumper stickers have been telling the TRUTH? What does this mean for those "In case of Rapture…" ones?