
So all this time those COULSON LIVES bumper stickers have been telling the TRUTH? What does this mean for those "In case of Rapture…" ones?

I'm sold.

I'm sold.

No no no, what the kids need is Return to Oz in 3D. A couple of doses of the Wheelers and Mombi popping right out at 'em and they'll long for the days of flat film.

No no no, what the kids need is Return to Oz in 3D. A couple of doses of the Wheelers and Mombi popping right out at 'em and they'll long for the days of flat film.

Heathcliff it's me your Cathy I've come hooooooome
I'm so coooooooold let me in at your winnndooooow

Heathcliff it's me your Cathy I've come hooooooome
I'm so coooooooold let me in at your winnndooooow

Ooh it gets dark it gets lonely
On the other side from you
I pine a lot, I find the lot
Falls through without you
I'm coming back love
Cruel Heathcliff
My one dream, my only master

Ooh it gets dark it gets lonely
On the other side from you
I pine a lot, I find the lot
Falls through without you
I'm coming back love
Cruel Heathcliff
My one dream, my only master

Bad dreams in the night
They told me I was going to lose the fight
Leave behind my wuthering wuthering wuthering heights

Bad dreams in the night
They told me I was going to lose the fight
Leave behind my wuthering wuthering wuthering heights

You had a temper like my jealousy
Too hot too greedy

You had a temper like my jealousy
Too hot too greedy

I find it all the more terrifying because I had never previously realized that the hamsters were *human-sized* until that opera ad. God, no.

I find it all the more terrifying because I had never previously realized that the hamsters were *human-sized* until that opera ad. God, no.

No, but he bought a boat and now he never even uses it.

No, but he bought a boat and now he never even uses it.

Good lord.

Good lord.
