
I'll step up!
"producer Mark Fiore insists … "I might be a newbie in town. This newbie is not going to get bulled around"

Flaubert - The trick is to have them pay you up-front, before they cum.

Watch, I'll bet that every single of hers is released on a day of the week. And the h8ers will be all clueless and not even get it!

Hater haters gonna hate.

Glad to see the near universal disdain. I can't imagine knowing someone who is actually a "fan".

I thought it received some form of resolution when a drunk Patsty sneaks into Tony's back yard intending to shoot him, but ends up merely pissing into his pool and walking off.

Which leads to even more intellectual dishonesty, as Chris pretends it was Danielle's idea, and Adriana pretends to believe him.

Posts with an unearned tone of superiority that insult other posters for assuming an unearned tone of superiority make my head hurt even more than Christina's screeching in Burlesque.

Not "we". Time. She is, what, 18 in that clip? So she peaked at 18 and has gone downhill ever since.

Dead Eyes
Gah, the picture at the top of the review is like every picture of her taken in the past few years. She's just not all there.

I can't even spell TV

Another example of unearned depth was the episode where Carrie suddenly had a father. This is, what, the fifth season of the show and suddenly he is mentioned for the first time as she wonders … are all of our relationships dominated by our relationship to our father? Well, given that he was never heard of before or

Badgirls Club?

"Every time I've tried to watch an episode, I get as far as Samantha's first smugly delivered single-entendre and I have to turn it off. "

Can't you just picture the director of these commercials trying to get the actress through her take?

From a much earlier episode, but it fits the theme and has always been a favorite:

I thought it was "Fuck, these nails hurt! And what are you doing with that spear?"

I also found it entertaining. Opportunities to post "in character" are rare. I'm still waiting for my "Sarah Palin's Vagina" alt username to pay off….

@Joe Kickass

Utahraptor is the largest of the raptors, and I'm not talking about head-to-tail distance. I'm talking about a different largeness.