
Keep in mind that Illiad was an oral history told around the campfire by a visiting bard. Wherever he travelled, the locals would trace some part of their history back to the Trojan War, and most would have a family legend about the patriarch who died in it. So they would listen eagerly for the point where the

Relative tolerance for fart jokes?

I think it is because adolescent boys want to imagine themselves having sex with the singer, while adolescent girls want to imagine themselves hanging out with the singer(s), without feeling any pressure to have sex.  The group format makes it less threatening.  The synchronized dancing also makes them seem less

Having seen wave after wave after wave come and go, and being told time and again that this one wasn't just a Boy Band, that there was real talent here that would keep them relevant well into adulthood, eventually you just have to sit back and enjoy watching the inevitable, unvarying sequence play out.

The problem with dance songs is that the indended audience is so drunk/juiced up/stupid that you have to be entirely literal.  You can't try to use metaphor or symbolism, or they will just stand around confused.  So you need to be lyrically direct: "Everybody, get up and dance!  Yes, like that!  Grind against each

Only time will tell if it stands the test of time.

You remember the song 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'?  As I recall, we both kinda hate it.  So, we have that in common!

So, you're saying you're alright?  No need to worry about you?

Hah!  I clicked on the article mistakenly believing (or…. Beliebing) that it was about the Black Keys criticizing Justin Timberlake.

Indisputably.  How else are you going to retrieve the drugs in order to do them?

Is the reference to her being a "good runner" a call-back to her Sienfeld appearance as the bad walker who doesn't swing her arms, which ends up with her in physical therapy trying to improve?

Word is that they originally wanted Ray Parker, Jr. for the part, but didn't know who to call.

Wasn't there a point where she had about a half-dozen different singles in a row on that topic?  Including two completely different songs called "I'm Real", and leading up to the infamous "Jenny From the Block"?

She is the Demi Moore of the '00s.  Smug, self-important, without a sense of humor or an ounce of self-awareness, determined to be a celebrity by sheer force of will.  Recieves media attention out of all proportion to actual box-office success.

The lyrics are supposed to be so enigmatic as to vanish within the atmosphere of the song.  What does it mean?  What is it about?  The music sounds happy, but the words are so sad?

This song and its companion piece, "Love in an Elevator", really represent the bottom of the barrel for Arena Rock.  Pure throwaway lyrics, no real craftsmanship, just loud guitars and louder screeching.

Oh, god, she is the worst.  And she is on at least a half-dozen of the channels.

Oh, god, she is the worst.  And she is on at least a half-dozen of the channels.

I look forward to the upcoming reality show about her transition from the dimwitted hot chick that people put up with because she is hot, to the dimwitted older woman who still expects people to treat her the way they did when she was hot, and is confused as to why they don't.

I will never let Cowboy fans forget Tony Romo!!