
Franz Ferdinand anyone?
No discussion of the song outside of the track listing, which is a pity as it is the only good track on that horrible compilation.

Evolution? Feh. That band with the plastic hats had it right - more like DEVO-lution!

He'd better be, if he knows what is good for him. We know where he lives, and this time there would be nothing left to resurrect after three days except a few gnawed-over leg bones.

Thanks to having a four-year-old in the house, I've become quite familiar with the SpongeBob oevure. And thank dog that the show is on some Nick channel or other 24/7, because he actually is quiet for 12 minutes at a time, only stirring to life again when the commercials start.

Failed non-attempted firstie.

I just caught Eric on cable again a few months ago - great movie, even though Eric Idle, inexplicably, fails to be the title character.

Shitheads like me were watching the likes of Murphy, Chase, and Akroyd be actually funny back before 15YO trolls like you were sucking your momma's dick.

Horrible name, but I'm more disturbed by that photo of a long-haired twelve-year-old boy in short-shorts and a tank top. Is the show about kiddie porn? Does his mother know he dresses that way?

One song that, to me, is very similar is A Silent Film's "You Will Leave a Mark". Both of these songs just have that tone of "this is a deep, life-changing anthem!" that detracts from the ability to enjoy them as, simply, songs.

The Curse
"He's been a bland fixture of sub-mediocre family entertainment for so long that it can be easy to forget what an electrifying, original presence he was at the beginning of his career. When he debuted on Saturday Night Live… "

Why does every headline on this topic include the $12 million figure? You don't see this with the other signings - does anyone know how much Steve Tyler got? I do'nt care how much he got, and I don't know how much because it wasn't splashed across the headlines announcing the signing.

His single has been getting massive airplay of late. I know what I hate, and I don't hate it. However, it is fairly undistinguishable from most of the other altnation songs. Trying a little too hard to sound and to be profound, while not really having anything profound to say.

A-pepe, go for the face!!!!

@Richard Robot

I think he meant the porn star also named Cindy Crawford and not the model.

"Here in your room, going through your stuff. You said you'd be gone five minutes, that's time enough."

"The Old Kit Bag" is my favorite, one of those albums that demand to be listened to in its entirety. "A Love you Can't Survive" is hauntingly beautiful.

A male version of The View?
This makes about as much sense as having a male version of the vagina. You still end up with a room full of assholes.

Simple Plan - Appeared in a Olsen twins movie (the last one … so far!) in order to reinforce their punk credibility.

Unparalleled songwriting…..