
Irregular is correct. I recently moved to New Hampshire, and there is a flock of wild turkeys who live in the area. Just last week, I watched out my window as one of them spread its wings and flew up into a nearby tree.

Baba Wawa has a commercial in steady rotation on Sirius radio where she discusses her radio program. She uses the same language as is used for her year-end list: "Tune in and hear us talk with the most fascinating people! People like Bill O'Reilly … Paula Abduuul … from The View, Elisabeth Hasselbeck."


I give Brian-Doyle Murray a pass based on Caddyshack and Get a Life. Plus he seems to embrace what he is and to have a sense of humor about it while, on the other hand, I can see Jim Belushi screaming at a flight attendant who tells him to check his bag "Don't you know who I am!?"

I remember when Monday Night Football was on ABC, and every season I would remind myself which channel ABC was on and tune in for the first game. An sometime during the first quarter a promo for "According to Jim" would come on and I would marvel: "This shit is still on the air?"

"I don't know, we're thinking about it" pretty much translates into "Yes, eventually, once HBO comes up with enough money that we won't be able to resist", doesn't it?

Now he all hanging around outside in the rain and shizzle, just hoping he can catch a cold so he can drink some of that sweet, sweet syrup!

Wow, a thirsty and a thirdsy on the same thread.

Maryland style -

Don't hate, he's just being the best Arsenio Billingham he can be!!

The glue factory turns her down and she is forced to find work as a department store mannequin.

I'll say neither. Whatever gender that alien he is married to may possess, I doubt it corresponds to any human classification. Extra-Tersexual?

Why, she could walk down the street
Guys could not avoid her eye…
Consequently, Paula Abdul was never called an asshole
Not like you….

There once was a man from Nantucket
Whose dick was so long he could suck it
He said with a grin
As he wiped off his chin
"If my ear was a cunt, I could fuck it!"

Eh, I tried being apathetic for a while, but then I was, like, why bother?

No. Snow is Jesus jacking off.


Ah, the enternal paradox. Can Jesus invent a sex act so difficult that he is incapable of performing it?

The best game was the original Star Trek text wargame, where you flew through a two-dimensional universe fighting Klingons in each sector. "Type 3 to fire Phasers. Enter emount of energy to use:". Classic.

I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.