Nerd Nerdly

Agreed on the massive shame that looks to be this movie. It will delay projects that could kick ass like a Justice League film or a Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Arrow flick, because it'll seem like the DCU has an unpopular brand of characters. Not true, get a good script and the right directorial vision and you can make

Somewhere, a ton of people who hate the Nerdist podcast all started drafting their responses.

Sean Patrick Flannery and Norman Reedus to "Drop Everything"
I don't think that Norman Reedus is stupid enough to drop a profitable gig on a high-rated high profile show like Walking Dead to roll the dice with Troy Duffy Again.

Your comment infers that only "hipsters" hate the Barenaked Ladies. Please support your argument more clearly.

I think you mean, "Wednesday," friend.

Two bits.

Totally agreed, I don't hate on PFT at all, I do find him quite hilarious, but it's sad that the place I really find out about new interesting podcasts are on these boards week to week.

Bitchy McBitcherson
I really appreciate the "New (To Us)" addition to this segment, as this feature benefits from variety.

I applaud your comment Curly Jefferson, a tour de force performance.

2nded Abbie Carmichael.

I want to see a movie about Stellan Skarsgard's character in Ronin. He fucking OWNS in that movie.

Sarah Michelle Gellar's New Series Moving to the CW
Is like moving into your parents new house after getting laid-off at your first big girl job. Sadness.

I'm sure it'll get covered next week. It was fascinating to hear that side of Carlin, but easily one of the roughest to get through, all the half-crying and so on.

@Poop Shoot You're right, two long haired beefcakes rolling around with each other on a rainbow bridge is manly as hell.

blah blah, He Killed Phil Hartman blah blah blah
blah John Lovitz blah blah

Will Ferrell for Raymond Carver
As a Carver fan, I cannot imagine this piece being stretched out to a 90+ minute feature without diluting the material so much as to make it unrecognizable.

I think the reviewer is far too swayed by Foley's appearance on WTF, which, as compelling as it may be has less than ZERO to do with this film's success or failure.

Fact: it's cooler to like Dave Foley today, than it was in 2002.

Here you are!

You really should go through MYOF and see how many times Nathan Rabin uses the word "apoplectic" because it's nearly every one.