Nerd Nerdly

I don’t know how this makes her “not suited for the show
(that she created, btw)” It probably makes her not suited to argue a legal case
and exonerate Adnan, but that’s never been the purpose. The purpose is to explore
a long closed case that has plenty of room for reasonable doubt in an
entertaining fashion, which is

I really don't get the dichotomy. Either everyone who makes rape jokes is a misogynist scumbag or they're not. Whether or not Marc Maron approves of their comedy shouldn't enter into it.

I'm pretty sure a comedian I'm going to like isn't going to be compared to Tucker Max in any way.

I think the whole idea of outrage over Spike Lee's outrage to be as about as wrongheaded as it gets.

At the last second, Marissa Tomei tried to rescind her youth sacrifice to the all consuming Dark Crystal, though it was already too late.

At the last second, Marissa Tomei tried to rescind her youth sacrifice to the all consuming Dark Crystal, though it was already too late.

Do not pay for this movie.

AVC: Always Validating Community

So, it's like Curb Your Enthusiasm with a more abbrassive, less likeable lead.

It seems that aliens are testing much, much higher than mutants.

Johannsen was one of my favorite WTF's this year, if only because it follows Ira Glass' wife's rule that Marc is respecftful to anyone older than he is.

I'm sorry but any time Maron uses the phrase "I'm not trying to be condescending…" that's precisely what he's doing. I give her a lot of respect for really not taking any of it (similar props go to Michael Ian Black). She's not my favorite comedy writer in the whole universe by any stretch of the imagination, but I

I much prefer Claire Zulkey's WTF write-ups to most anyone else on this site. She seems to be the only person (aside from maybe Steve Heisler), who doesn't buy into Maron's bullshit lock, stock, and barrell. It's a refreshing change of pace.

Gotcha. Women be stupid and shouldn't be talking out of school about Marc Maron, who has the soul of a poet, and even though he creepily, passive aggressively shits on his girlfriend whenever he gets a chance, we should remember that he has a big heart because he says so every chance he gets, so it's totally cool that

That's weird, what's this audible ad doing in the middle of my newsfeed?

NBC announcing the return date of Community was their way of saying to the cast, crew, and fans of Community: "Objection noted. But we'll see how the ratings do."

I 100% agree. He's the most interesting person he's had on because he doesn't want to do comedy and the fact that he comes off so pathetic, but honest is the most compelling thing I've heard from WTF in quite a while.

I saw the Artist about a month ago and there were two old baboons babbling the entire time. One of them said "What'd he say?" at one point, which made it almost adorable enough to tolerate.

Am I the only person that thinks Patton Oswalt doesn't have a legitimate claim for an 'oscar snub'? I haven't really heard about him being in that race and I kind of feel you need at least a Golden Globe nomination first before you can get on a soapbox and cry "snub!" about the oscars.
But yes, there was a lot of

He's been saying this for years.