Nerd Nerdly

I haven't checked this out. I'm really interested though.

I think there's something missing when a comic book studio starts adapting their own material for the big screen. No one is taking a second to say "Does this make sense? Isn't this bit of dialogue a tad ridiculous?" etc.

I kind of hated it. I thought Portman completely slept through this movie, and overall everything was just silly, especially for a Thor movie.

I find the whole "Andy Dick KILLED Phil Hartman" bit a little tiresome. I listened to the WTF and while I'm sure Dick was embellishing to make himself sound better than he actually was, it's still not Andy Dick's fault if he did coke with someone and then, some time later that person decided to be a fucking nutjob and

Anyone Else Confused
Why the have the fan made poster for this on this site?

I agree with Bustokou, simply because most posters here could not fit into skinny jeans and American Apparel shirts.

Incorrect, Arrested Development Fan #223496405, it's actually just a shit movie. I was comparing it to movies like Grindhouse and Machete, which it fails to emulate, again by lack of any directorial sense.

Blockbuster may be gone forever, but chances are your local thrift store is teeming with long forgotten treasures, all for two bucks or less!

Saw This Movie a Few Months Ago
And strongly disagree with this review. To make an intentionally bad film you need to have a director that knows how to make a good film, but chooses to do otherwise. This movie masks the director's ineptitude with the aforementioned winks that "none of this is serious folks," which

I'd Rather See A Hanna Sequel
Who's with me?

Snarky Question
So, does the fact that the "first 200 pre-orders to be autographed by Nathan Rabin" is still part of the banner mean that his book hasn't sold 200 copies yet?

Snarky Question
So, does the fact that the "first 200 pre-orders to be autographed by Nathan Rabin" is still part of the banner mean that his book hasn't sold 200 copies yet?

@Murray, I agree 100%. I really have to make a concerted effort to get through PFT's rambling.

Will It Star Laura Kitlinger in the Lead?
And make Marc Maron a prophet?

You're both wrong, that movie was terrible from start to finish.

I am frequently blown away with how many great impressions Bill Hader can do, if you've ever heard John Mullaney you can't help but guffaw at how good Hader's two sentence impression was.

I don't hate on Paul Scheer, the man's a great improv comedian to be sure and some of his supporting roles have made me laugh but this clearly isn't his forte.

The album that became a musical that became a movie that became…
a first-person shooter?

Wow, a million points for a Dr. Doak reference.