Nerd Nerdly

Remember When Jeri Ryan
Was gonna be something?

Totally shallow observation: Chuck Klosterman's got the most stereotypical nerd voice of anyone in the biz.

This is the second time today I will mention, Mr. Fantastic's animated dance in Fantastic Four 2. Yowzers.

Conan on WTF
This will go down as one of my favorite episodes, this is my favorite Maron, respectful, funny, and engaging. He steered the conversation and got exactly what he wanted out of O'Brien and never let his "gotta get the good scoop" instinct sour the interview.

Thats what you get…
For not hailing to the chimp!

I don't know if nobody will care about it, I think Taylor Lautner's potrayal of Beck could be thrilling. Especially set against a backdrop of CGI 'splosions.

Yes, it's quite difficult to host a series after you've raped the memory of one of it's most beloved alumnus.

On the Showalter episode (posted yesterday) he talks about how a promoter put him in touch with Sheen and he went to his home to help him with his stage show tour, he claims he wasn't paid and was doing it to "look in the heart of this force of nature" or whatever, but I call bullshit.

Agreed, I understand there are thousands of podcasts or whatever, but the scope of this article seems to be complacently narrow.

Marc Maron: Arbiter of ethics and morality
Anybody hear the Showalter episode?

Jodie Foster is out as a lesbian, if I remember correctly.

Oh, Bro…Snyder would OWN Sleeping Beauty if given the chance to direct.

Only 24 Hours Notice?
Shit, there goes my "Madea for Marple" campaign. Looks like I made all these buttons for nothing.

Hold on everybody, let's not get ahead of ourselves and throw out the baby with the bathwater—-the cat attack scene is pure joy.

I think Sam Elliot is one of those drivers that can't verbalize directions, he needs to do the driving and have you follow him, which is just annoying.

I coudn't agree more. It's the most frustrating podcast I listen to, just in terms of great interview potential being squandered so that Jonah Rae can tell everyone he's from Hawaii again.

The sound is pretty bad on their first episode, WIRED, but I just finished listening to The Hand and it seems like it's improved greatly. I left an iTunes review and I saw that people were bitching (and then rejoicing) as the sound was fixed.

As far as I can tell they don't really do guests, it seems like a rotating panelist kinda deal. As far as How Did This Get Made, I much prefer the We Hate Movies guys, if only for the weird ass tangents they go on.

Finally, maybe I can Crack this Enigmatic Vonnegut Character
This is very helpful! I will now read these books for the first time! Who knew Slaughterhouse Five was a good book! This is so useful!

We Hate Movies
I am enjoying these threads. I checked out We Hate Movies last week off of a posters suggestion, I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to more episodes and more suggestions!