Buy my frozen meats… SUCKERS!!!
"Flaming Lips lend their support to homophobia" FTFY
I wish I could drink your tears, Republicans, I really do. I also wish I could feed you a chili made of Dick Cheney, but, I'm not greedy.
"Dammit, Skyler — I'm taking your iPad and shutting off the Wi-Fi until you pick a book out and read it!"
*teenager stomps over to YA section*
"Oh, hey — these technically count as books!"
*buys Twilight*
There was a point in the history of SF/F that just discussing women at length could easily be considered feminist and progressive.
Last night must've been really rough on you. Hopefully you didn't drink to much or run out of kleenex.
I'm guessing you voted for Romney.
But what does the fox say?
If Skye is smart enough to break SHIELD's encryption, she smart enough to not look like an idiot 3 times an episode. It'd be nice if her intelligence weren't turned on and off like a light switch whenever its convenient to the plot. And it would be nice if Ward would die.
Yes, but 90s punk was nothing but the soundtrack to the X-Games. Who cares?
@avclub-96b5e1ca75f17e8b7d8eb8688c0b13e6:disqus Yes, they're all mentally ill racists. Did he stutter or something?
When Moz said that, he was being ironic.
Judd's "This is 40" made me hate the 90s forever. Seriously, my entire generation should be shot.
"When the darkness rises up from inside - that is normal. IT'S WHEN YOU REACH DOWN TO PULL IT UP - that the noxious warnings sound."
-Farscape Episode 1.12 "Rhapsody In Blue"
Not enough Republican-oriented cartoons on TV for you?
Damage Control FTW
South Park… didn't they cancel that back in 2007?
Oh, God, not you again. I really need to change my AV Club name.