@flagonthemoon:disqus Umm… the Empire is pretty racist, so… wouldn't the "not too black" trope be appropriate?
@flagonthemoon:disqus Umm… the Empire is pretty racist, so… wouldn't the "not too black" trope be appropriate?
Fair enough, but Thrawn was an interesting character. And it'd be neat if the guy who plays Sherlock Holmes currently also played the Star Wars character based on Holmes. Actually, tell you the truth, Hugh Laurie would be even better — the guy who played the doctor based on Holmes playing the Star Wars character based…
@avclub-cbe8412e7469c2bba155a2a353401e5b:disqus oh noes! My 1970s era space opera/children's movie isn't realistic enough! Time to write another angry letter, like I did after I saw "Labyrinth"!
Well, then, lucky for you Netflix has all the old series. On your way.
Ricardo Montalbon was white, too.
What the hell is an aluminum falcon?!
Cumberbatch as Thrawn would be pretty cool.
How much did the AV Club get paid to tell us we have to like this children's song?
Yes, but when Johnny Cash burned down a forest, it was *awesome*, not lame.
Yo, Yo… Proust in his first book wrote about, wrote about…
But, if I go to Home Depot, and I need, like, 20 hammers because I've got, like, a lot of people building a fence, what are they going to put the hammers in after I buy them? I mean, what, a box? Do I have to carry them all out myself?
Oh, good — another movie to indulge the teenage fetish for being oppressed by conformists. It's been weeks without a new one.
"California Uber Alles" by the Dead Kennedys.
"Local Widows Inherits $50 Million"
@Patrick_Batman:disqus @deadpandolores:disqus I lost my virginity in a tent to the sound of bagpipes.
@avclub-446ab634ae06de2b62f2b38bdbe05a58:disqus Seriously, that wasn't intended to be an insult — you can't engage in any kind of meaningful debate from a postmodern position!
Yes, it did go from being a meaningless label to being a meaningless label for entirely different meaningless reasons.
All Alternative *ever* meant was "MTV's 120 Minutes will play this song".
Being the most influential punk band of the 90s is absolutely nothing to be proud of — unless, of course, your Vans endorsements bought you a sweet McMansion in an affluent white suburb. And lets not forget all the money to be made licensing your tracks to ESPN for their Jock Jams compilations.
Yeah, I had that problem — in high school, I listened to metal and "college rock" because all the punks I knew were complete hyperthyroid meathead gangbanger assholes. The hardcore they listened to was better labelled Thug Rock. Nirvana was my gateway, sure, but I didn't know there was depth to the genre until I…