
If that doesn't work, do you give them a good thrashing?

No love for Raya?

Fair enough. Still, the books are extremely rapey.

No, the books have so much sexual violence against women its practically another character.

As opposed to the rapes that seem to occur every other chapter in the books…

Jesus Christ, you're an asshole.

…not to mention the feminist outrage out of one side of its mouth and OMG celebrity gossip(!!!) out of the other.

Yeah, I own the whole discography. Fuck 'em.

Fuck the Beastie Boys. Sexist hypocrites, all of them.

Don't you have an Encyclopedia Dramatica article you could be editing right now?

Well, yeah, that's because Punk actually died in 1967.

Wow, you're so edgy.

Simpler answer — humor works by taking the audience out of their safe zones. Kaufman did that without having to employ identifiable logic.

I'm not a troll — I'm just grumpy and right about everything.

Its what I thought until I was corrected, shortly after I went to my first local ska show in the early 90s.

If you think Nirvana was all about moping, you clearly *never* actually listened to them. Yes, Hole was quite good, and its a shame Courtney can't keep it together, but you're still a troll.

He's been wrong about so many things that I honestly do not believe what you're saying is true.

You might be literally correct in the case of Crash Test Dummies.

I was into Mongolian throat singing before it was… y'know what, nevermind.

They were interested in the genre in the same way Sarah Palin is interested in political populism.