
@avclub-446ab634ae06de2b62f2b38bdbe05a58:disqus — you should have taken a speech class in college; you can't debate from a post-modern position.

Let that be his epitaph.

Anyone named "Skylar" is awful.

Rick Rubin is from New Jersey.


Employing Pierce Brosnan is not, technically, a crime.

Its worse with your eyes closed, actually. At least the dolls have some hope of distracting you from the song.

I'll take "What if Suge Knight Ran Disney?" for $500, Alex.

Sounds like you could just add a score to that one Jerry Lewis filmed.

Hipster — could you provide us with this picture of your penis?

I would just like to remind you all that I am *not* Sluggo.

Its probably that Prepon won't be in many episodes because Chapman's gonna be in a worse prison for putting Pensatucky in the hospital, folks.

Thank you very much for this essay explaining why you're cooler than us.

Seriously, I'm listening to 54/40 or Fight right now!

I'm listening to Dead Moon as we speak.

No real punks don't eat meat because that's what Society expects of them! FUCK SOCIETY AND ITS BACON!!!

Lets not forget that Michael Bolton's biggest year was 1991.

[obligatory] I was into ragtime before it was cool… [/obligatory]

Go back to your Rush LPs.

Rancid — punks who formed a ska band who occasionally pretended to be a punk band.