
You leave my cat alone.

Lemme guess… Black Flag fan?

meh… I look forward to your article about how authentic Candlebox was.

well, one that wasn't so sticky, anyway…

When Sting came out of that hole in the stage and sang the hook from "Every Breath You Take" in order to help Puffy publicly rape Biggie's corpse, it was all over for MTV.

Hey! I only have one kid!

Every tattoo is the worst tattoo that's ever existed.

Superman can't talk to animals.

The Canadian Government has apologized for Bryan Adams on several occasions!

This is just Burton getting some of his own medicine.

Well, that's what put Saving Private Ryan over the top.

Well, if naked in the desert was part of the plan, I don't see why reunions can't be. 

1992 Metal Fan: "Alternative music is a bunch of pretentious bullshit."
2013 Alternative Music Fan: "Heavy Metal is a bunch of pretentious bullshit." 

Morrissey as Superman? Seriously, I'm going to be sick. 

So, if I bring a gay friend with me to this, will he be allowed in, or will he be executed?

Little known fact: Neutral Milk Hotel used to go by the name "The Spin Doctors".

You win the Internet.

This Kanye West… he's some sort of… musician… is he?

Countdown to next regeneration — t-minus 3 episodes… 

You'll never take me alive, copper!