
Either way, it'll be a drop in the ocean.

We're going to have to bury him at sea, like Osama*. Nobody wants to host or pay for the headache that will be his grave.

There's a lot wrong with that statement of Trump's, but the main point I want to make is that there's no way in hell that Trump had the patience or attention span to sit through that movie.

C'mon, New York. Trump's basically asking for a fifty foot statue of Obama outside Trump Tower, just do it already.

Yeah, the kerfuffle. The hullabaloo. The contretemps. The beef.

No no, some of them were good people. And don't forget that Captain America attacked them violently, both sides share some of the blame.

He don't wear nothing under that little green skirt. Well, I mean, a full suit of armour, sure, but he's in that all the time, so he's still basically naked.

I considered that, and then amused myself by imaging him playing a non-aged up version of the character. McMahon's got chops for days, so I say let him take a crack at it.

Sorry, I think you're confused. There haven't been any Runaways comics since BKV left the book. Which is probably a good thing, even Joss Whedon wouldn't be able to capture that special alchemy that made it work.

He's been in the States for a while, does he have dual-citizenship? Because you've got to be named Barnaby Joyce for that to not matter.

Uh, you do know that he knocked out Hitler over 200 times, right?

I haven't read the original comics in a few years so maybe I'm forgetting someone, but I've got no clue who he could be playing. Doesn't sound like one of the parents, so I don't know…That corrupt cop, if they beefed up his role?

Your list proves once again that absolutely nobody saw Treme.

Does Berlanti have some kind of masochistic fetish we should know about? Why else would someone invite the conversations this show will generate into their life?

Playfully antagonistic, to put it in Podmass terms. He's been on two episodes, both of which featured him angrily dismissing the show, the hosts, podcasts listeners in general, etc etc, while Sean and Hayes do their best to wind him up.

Just being able to make a vague comparison to an event from the Revolutionary War doesn't justify any action though. That shit doesn't fly when the other side does it, right?

All that matters is that they can push through to four films. The Suicide Squadrilogy boxset will sell itself.

I'm not sure, but I don't know why that luchador has got such a beef against a kidnapping victim.

Some of those lyrics might be a bit on the nose for this trial (t least, if the groper was singing them)

Parents and teachers holding a mandatory assembly to talk about how cool suicide is?