
TV Club. Community. S03E10 'Regional Holiday Music'

"Why so serious?"

Who is an insignificant side character whom stumbles on unexpected fandom because the internet is stupid? If you said "Generic Indie Kid", you are wrong. He never had a fandom.

Then who's the fifth member of the Defenders? Coleen?

And Jessica Henwick (Coleen Wing) was one of the Sand Snakes (just awful).


I wrote a full retelling/parody of the redneck scene from 48 Hours but with Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham as the two protagonists, to make some vaguely political point.

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. When dealing with significant historical figures it's absolutely a requirement, yes, but when talking about someone who's living, and somewhat engaged in the same broad conversation, I think it can be dangerous. It's a very easy way to dismiss someone you don't like or evidence that goes

That let comments have titles and subheadings, though people often struggled to figure it out.
I mean, I can still remember the old commenting system.

Maybe it's nostalgia, but I think a lot of that community spirit has been chipped away over the years already (he says, not really part of said community). I don't know if it's because of the general editorial changes, the aforementioned nostalgia, that whole Trump thing, or what, but that 00s feeling seems to be gone.

I know what you're thinking, but it's chill. If you drift over it, or are holding out another turtle shell to hit it before your car does, the driver will be completely safe. I think there might even be a speed boost sometimes.

Or making an accusation of it, at least. Things get pretty murky when you go after someone else's motivations.

On that point, I think the whole "ass kicking female lead" thing overshadows the reason why Whedon/Buffy were praised and are remembered so fondly (by some, I should say). There's a notable difference between Buffy and, say, Charlie's Angels (though maybe Alias would be a more appropriate comparison).

I can't remember if it was in this episode or the next one, but Coleen had a later conversation that seemed to imply her car-speech was because of insecurity. She's lost her foundation/connection to the Hand, and what she's replaced it with (partnering with Danny to take down the Hand) is under threat, in her mind,

You always find a way to subtly reference your 23 inch wang, don't you?

Don't stop, I'm so close…

Him having the complexion of an alcoholic nonagenarian surfer was the first clue, huh?

It's not Trump's fault that people won't let him make America great again. He could unite the country and bring people together if they would just unite and come together already. It's not rocket science.

I spent a few minute trying to decide on what pose would be best, something statesmanlike or him tilting his head and laughing/doing the brush yo shoulder off move.

He saw something on Fox news, got tired and had a nap, woke up and tried to remember why he was filled with impotent rage on this particular afternoon, noticed that he'd pissed himself and got even angrier, and then remembered about the movie and tweeted.