
I don't know, there's still room for a snarky response about nitrous oxide, right?

You shouldn't necessarily be all in, but I'd say that by the end of the first two episodes you should have a good idea of what the show is about. I mean, it plays around with a lot of different approaches and formats for different episodes, but the general tone and humour of the show is pretty well-established by that

And in the second scene, when Spidey is attempting to be intimidating, Glover was doing about 50% of his Forrest Whittaker face from that one episode of Community, right?

Ted Bundy's show Hey, Can You Help Me Get This Into My Car? was pretty much the original Punk'd.

And the Mad Monk threw Batman into a pit containing wolves, not snakes. I remember because Batman then knocked them out with gas pellets, tried to batarang a rope onto a pipe to get out of the pit, failed enough times that the wolves woke up, he gassed them again, before successfully bataranging his way out of the

We can probably Weekend at Bernie's him for at least a couple of months.

Who doesn't like British comedy?

We're sensible enough to have roundabouts all over the shop, so the thrill of watching car's complete circles isn't such a big deal over here.

True story: I saw that movie when I was maybe five years old, and have been somewhat terrified of it ever since. There was something about Martin's voice during that opening monologue that properly disturbed me, and I've never managed to bring myself to watch it since.

Eh, I don't think it's a particularly lefty thing to do. I see more of it, but that's because of the media I consume. The type of comments I see on the more popular right-leaning news sites seems to be filled with even more bile and excusing/enthusing of bad behaviour.

Actually I said a new level, which I think is somewhat justified (referring to breadth, rather than depth, if that makes sense), but you're right that it's probably still something of an overstatement, and not a hill I'm particularly looking to die on.

"Why are people worried about the state of America? Don't you know there are literal military dictatorships in the world, and countries where women have less rights than American children? Quit being dramatic!" is the same basic argument you're making, but dismissive based on geography not time, right?

There are a few options, it really depends on how you want your money to work. The ACLU is generally a safe bet though, I believe they're already making moves to challenge Trump's decision in court.

I'm probably being unfair, but there's just so much, I don't know, hate? Toxicity?

I guess it wasn't clear, but I'm talking about the umpteen comments saying the same things about Fallon that are said in every single article where he's mentioned on the site, only now with a few caveats making clear that no, he shouldn't receive even an iota of credit for providing a platform for Harrison.

Y'know, I was worried for a second that we wouldn't be able to give Fallon shit for something for once, but thanks guys! Glad to know he's still a fascist-enabler, probably had noting to do with having Harrison on the show, and is just the (second) worst person alive.

Imagine living through the past two years and getting upset over a TV show.

Plus, his original crime was selling poachers into slavery. Not great, certainly, but I think the typical punishment would have been a choice between losing a hand and being sent to the Wall, which isn't far removed from slavery anyway.

"Larger, absurd context"? You hypocrite!

Elizabeth: Now, when I say "Hello, Mr. Trump," and press down on your foot, you smile and nod.