
Some real Farentholdian stuff.

I remember a time when the AV Club didn't follow the day-to-day life and actions of the President.

The thought that there might be some racial or sexual minorities working on this movie who haven't been graphically mocked and insulted…I mean, how are they expecting to get anything done?

I feel like the script for this movie started out airbrushed on the side of a van.

This might make me sound like an utterly drooling fanboy, but I can't even guess how great/crazy future Marvel films might be. I can still remember the concept of an actual Avengers movie seeming crazy, and they've topped that four or five times already. Who knows what things will be like in ten years? A Throg movie?

I think they would have had vague plans to bring the Red Skull back, given the way the way they left his character. Weaving just hated the role, apparently, so it's not on the cards.

Funnily enough, you're both right.

I remember that game. My big take-away was that it was pretty cheeky for a GTA-clone to have a level where you killed off a bunch of GTA/other GTA-clone based characters. Like, Timmy Vercatti or something.

Don't forget cousin Odeibus

It looks like they're going for a live-action Alex Ross kinda approach. Considering he aims for that Rockwellian semi-realism, it ends up slightly weird, like something that's been translated into another language then back.

….goes by 'Tony Macaroni' on The AV Club.

"I hated Spicer's tenure. Hated hated hated hate hated Spicer's tenure. Hated it. Hated every simpering stupid vacant audience-insulting minute of it. Hated the sensibility that anyone would like it. Hated the implied insult to the audience by its belief that anyone would be fooled by it."

I can't even tell which faction in the Trump House is even in charge anymore.

Nah, if he was the big villain he'd be called Tony.

If we're throwing sources around, you acknowledge that the Guardian (though not to the level of the right-wing British press) has been demonstrably biased in it's reporting on Corbyn, right?

I'd say this show already has a step-up on your hypothetical writers, what with it not being just a bunch of white guys.

It depends on the specifics of why one can't leave their job, but adult responsibilities aside (dependants, a mortgage) I think it's just a matter of priorities. Spending a couple of months travelling isn't a possibility for absolutely everyone, but if it's something you really want it should be doable with proper

I feel like your penultimate fact makes the last one redundant.

He's doing that trick where you shove your face towards the camera in a photo to make your jawline look stronger. Side-effect of having a larger-looking head is usually worth it.

I mean, it's a silly name either way.