
Nah, that's Red Bull and corn syrup.

I don't know about the 'being insulted' part, but those types of comments always get right up my nose, even if they're about a topic that I have no knowledge/interest of.

Man, you Hot Fuzzheads go subtle with the references, huh?

I think Spiro Agnew started out as a ventriloquist dummy in a carnival, before that magical lightning storm, right? So that's eight.

Starting out incredibly wealthy probably helps.

There's a seed of truth in all great comedic works [and also not-so-funny internet comments]. The Playboy Mansion has undeniably gotten something of a pass from the wider entertainment industry/media.

I'd guess something like "Someone's gonna represent this degenerate, and at least I can take the money I'm earning and do some pro bono and charity work with it. I mean, one of these days, gotta make sure the mortgage is paid off on the Aspen house first."

I'm not enough of a grammar-head to know for sure, but it seems like the sentence would be ambiguous either way. Switching from "against" to "by" could just make it seem like Kelly is alleging someone else has been doing the abusing.

"We need more boak references in the comments section. Repeat, we are all out of boak references."

To be fair, after the third or fourth thermo-nuclear event, you'd think BK would have started keeping some wings in stock.

This is just the media trying to drag down another talented and successful black man. Apart from openness, what's the difference between Kelly's alleged pederastic-hostage-cult and the Playboy mansion?

False! You'll never see a druid in a suit.

Rumours are that Super Hans and the Doctor spend the whole season trying to remember/discover what the Bad Wolf Thing is, before all is revealed in a particularly raunchy Christmas special.

Hey! Wales voted for Brexit, they don't get too slide on this shitshow.

Yeah. I mean, that transformation between the two movies is pretty much unassailable. Unless you're in Breaking Bad or something, I don't think there's a lot an actor in a TV show could do that would even remotely compare.

From what I remember, at the time the story was that his agent was the one pressuring him to back out of playing a gay character. Dekker went along with it (or maybe it was just about character consistency), but it might not be as cut and dry as the article suggests.

Taking on the role after Linda Hamilton's work in the first two movies is a pretty impossible task.

I don't think people are saying that Kanye/Beyonce/Whomever are like, accidentally commissioning art. Art gets criticised, right? Don't see why that's hard to understand.

'Cause her portrait is too Botticelli for you, babe?

"Your guitar's name is Charlene!"