
*Snort* Well sure, I guess, but I don't think you can compare the suffering of anyone from a first world country with the struggle of people from less fortunate nations in the world.

I mean, boo capitalism and all, but the only barriers stopping disabled people from representing themselves on screen or telling their own stories are indirect ones. It's a brutal business, but proving yourself in independent cinema is still probably the best way for a marginalised voice or group to break into

I see your point, but the starting conversation isn't Colorado, so to speak. It's "These leading movie roles should only go to disabled people". Which might be a conversation worth having, but can also be read as jumping the gun, and lead to responses going to a further logical extreme.

Imagine the process of writing a second draft.

I'm pretty sure they ended up casting a blind guy to play Iron Fist, so it evens out anyway.

How do we know that what they think is black is what we think is black? In fact, how do we…Oh boy, this is a wormhole

She was in one of those Night at the Museum movies, which might have had something to do with it. Though it's probably not a big film in 2017 2nd grade circles.

Yo, is it cool if I use this comment, and little else, as the basis for a 90 minute History Channel special? Thanks in advance.

Maybe I'm just looking for a sliver of hope in a terrible situation, but I kind of hope that Jade being a celebrity's child will outweigh any institutional police bias.

Ah, an Eton Mess, I can see you're an Anglophile (or a local, I suppose).

- In some parts of rural England, sex only occurs standing up and as quickly as possible, on the off-chance that the Queen will come by for a visit. Oral sex isn't really something they need to know about.

Is ragging on the Jonas brothers still a thing? That Disney pop thing was never really my bag in the first place, but I thought that pretty much every hatable tween star became cool enough people once they were out of the system.

I really want to hear what their actual end-game is for that franchise, because I'm half-convinced they haven't actually figured out what a movie with all those characters would involve.

Hey, it was a whole ten Northern Irish politicians. The EU is just 27 countries, that's only like, 2.7 times as challenging.

That's why they should have invited Peele, but not Key.

He's been a total dick for a while now, just ignore him.

Why should it have been about Professor X and Logan? The movie's title made it pretty clear who the film was about, the other characters were all secondary/in service of that. For instance the "mute, powerful child cliche" (who is neither mute nor that powerful, in practice) character represented some hope/potential

"Hey, fuck you, KrakenNiz." - the collective ten-year olds of the world.

I'd agree, except the producers felt the need to hire him an acting coach halfway through the movie. Since nobody outside the production has seen a lick of footage, information like that is all we have to go on, and doesn't point to him being a good hire.

For what it's worth, I can say that I'm a little bit drunk, and it doesn't make any more sense to me. Is this just peak-irony, or does somebody actually want this?