
Oh no, I'm not saying they shouldn't try. In fact I thought they'd made a smart move by hiring Lord and Miller since they have a proven track record of taking weak sounding ideas (21 Jump Street, The Lego Movie, heck, 22 Jump Street) and making movies that not only lived up to the premise, but elevated it.

Sure, but I think there's a pretty big difference between a flashback and a prequel.

I know he's the more popular character, that's kinda my point. If you make a movie about a young Indiana Jones or Rocky, a character that audiences are incredibly familiar with and associate with a particular actor, then you better come correct. The bar for a Lando movie would be a lot lower, and possibly allow

Not all improvisation is funny (in fact, one could argue…), I'm not sure that they were trying to alter the tone of the movie or cram it full of gags.

I think the point is that films are usually put on track before production. If you're replacing your director(s) several months into shooting, you've already fucked up. You can still get a good movie (Casablanca was a notoriously troubled production), but it's still not a good foundation.

My thinking is that if they wanted to make a prequel focused on space-swashbuckling or whatever, it should have been Lando. Less pressure, and more room to explore. If they wanted to make a Han Solo movie, they should have made sure they had the most perfectly cast actor of all time, which clearly they haven't.

And people misquote that speech probably 80% of the time. Kasdan can't catch a break.

We'll be the judge of that. Send pics, nice and soapy plz.

I'm down with that theory. I mean, I'm not a riverologist but I'm pretty sure they do become more or less dangerous for a variety of reasons each year. Saying it's hungry gets the same point across in a simpler way.

"But…that's just what he'd want us to think, right? Gotta separate the wheat from the chaff," says Tadd, ironically, as he prepares to Last Crusade over a gorge.

That's a dark way to phrase things, but I can't disagree.

Yeah, I'd definitely need more information than is given in the newswire before declaring him a dickhead, especially on how the two people died. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of difference between his treasure hunt and a typical advertisement for a national park, beyond the fact that the promise of wealth can

There was that one halloween costume that Veronica Lodge wore in '06. It was a pretty clever reference at the time.

If I Cite 2Nite

I'm also a swell bowler.

There's always been something about seeing mushrooms in the wild that has freaked me out, especially those wide, flat fuckers. I think I watched too many 50s B-movies as a kid, and can't help but think they're the start of some alien invasion.

What a pleasant thing to say about a stranger. I hope she sees your words and they give her some comfort from her poor, unattractive life.

Is Get It the porn parody?

It's a wee bit sentimental for my tastes (which isn't the worst thing in the world), but I think we can add Green Mile to at least the good list too, right?

Kinda my point, nobody is going to be making Ocean's Thirteen jokes. Though to be fair, I wouldn't recognise one if they did.