
Isn't that exactly what she's doing, going by the message in the article? I know that wasn't her initial reaction, but she's clearly on the same page as you now that she's had a few hours to reflect.

Well, Hitler was missing a testicle. If you don't find that funny, I don't know what to tell you.

Members Of The Heterodoxy? Well, sure, but who isn't that true for?

"Patty [Hearst, as Daphne], being out of your box isn't a right, it's a privilege! Baby, you don't want to go back in the box, do you?"

Isn't Freddie Prinze Jr a pretty solid voice actor now in his own right? There was something in the water on that set, that's my guess.

It helps that a lot of his flaws seem to be rooted in him expecting other people not to be incredibly shameful and horrible bastards. I mean, that was kind of foolish, O, but at least it came from a good-ish place.

Well then you shouldn't leave her hanging when she goes for a low five.

Nah, see, because when ladies piss it's like a pressure washer. They'd scythe through that not(?)-glue like it's nothing.

Jolie playing Farrell's mother didn't exactly scream 'believable' either.

I saw Donald Trump walking with Putin,
Doing the werewolves of DC.
I saw Donald Trump Junior walking with Putin…

Ooh, good question! Depends, are we going with strictly the theatrical release? Because if they can settle on one proper longer cut, I think we'll see a turnaround in it's critical reception, in the long term at least.

No you weren't, to be frank.

Not to be a snoop or nothing, but did you create this account just to make that point?

See, I find this helpful. When I'm arguing with my friend who thinks Jeremy Corbyn is a useful idiot, I can point to this documentary and say "No, hey, look at this guy right here".

On the plus side, Spielberg hasn't been abusively monstrous to any female leads. Possibly because he hasn't had many of them.

"Your Honor, we find the Defendant guilty….of hilarity! Ah ha ha andalsorape."

Ehhh…it's the best we've got, but it hasn't exactly covered itself in glory in the last couple of years. At least when it comes to the admittedly fraught and hysterical world of lefty/progressive politics.

Wasn't that the ending of an Encyclopaedia Brown book?

As someone who's both related to many notable historic royal figures and tangentially connected to a fair number of cool-but-not-like-mainstream? celebrities, I know it can be a struggle not to inorganically bring them up as much as possible. I tend to just drop hints in the desperate hope someone will ask me for more

Yeah, but a farmer rolling around squealing in shit isn't much better.